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Need players for a fun charity basketball game!

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Hi guys and girls,


We're helping raise money for Weston Park Cancer Charity and St. Lukes Hospice! On Sunday 20th May 12-3pm.


If anyone can spare a few hours for some fun basketball, even if you've not played since school, please, please help us get our team together!


We did have 6 as required but 3 players have dropped out!!! :help:


We will thank you on our website http://www.funmefit.com as there'll be a picture of you and I'll write a blog mentioning your name (and twitterise and facebook you). If you're all part of a business it might be good publicity!


This is the link for more info: http://www.funmefit.com/topic/charity-basketball-tournament/


I'd be forever grateful as it's for such a good cause! Thanks :)


Contact me, Kate on kate@funmefit.com or PM me!

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Thanks Moonwalker, just PM'd you.


Details are here:


95 Norfolk Park Road,




S2 2RU


We're trying to raise sponsorship if anyone want to sponsor us and donate for the charities?


Kate :)

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