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Does adopting Islam liberate women?

Does islam liberate women?  

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  1. 1. Does islam liberate women?

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Many folk on here will always argue Islam places restrictions on women, like been told to wear the veil and burkha, and not allowed to interac with other men, however others argue many women feel liberated becuase they are are not judged by what they wear, what they look like, and the Hijab frees wonmen from curent trends in fashion, the need for botox and the pressure of trying to keep up with youthful appearances.


I can't see how any religion liberates anyone. That doesn't mean they're all oppressive, but how can they liberate people?

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Far to long a post to break up.


What it boils down to is your claiming this


My original point was that following religious rules led me to freedom


Which is nonsensical and contradictory. Following a rule, voluntarily or not is a restriction on your behaviour. The fact that you can choose not to follow it makes no difference. Whilst you follow it, that rule is a restriction because there is a behaviour that you will not partake of. If that rule comes from something outside yourself, a religion for example, then your behaviour has not been made more free, it has been restricted. This is logically self evident. This is the nature of a rule, something you cannot or something you must do, whilst you follow the rule the rule is determining the behaviour in question.



If your religion adds a new rule tomorrow, "you are not allowed to leave your bedroom" and you choose to obey the rule, are you telling me that this rule has enhanced your freedom? I hope you agree that it has not as previously you were free to go where you liked and now you cannot.

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It's not the worlds most restrictive religion, I don't think putting it in a 'league table' is fair or right.


I don't actually agree with much of what Islam teaches, if I did I would take the Shahada, and what people on here don't see is the arguments I have with Muslim friends about the details.


I think on this forum (actually in this country in general) Islam is looked at very one sided.


I think you would see more from me in this debate if it expanded beyond the clothing issue which everyone seems so hung up on.


I did ask you to expand on the restrictions that are placed on women regarding interacting with men, but you seem to have ignored my request.

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When you take into consideration new/dodgy user accounts and the users with low post count who seem to frequent race, gender and religious threads, do you really think that the numbers are to be taken seriously? I personally don't.



How does one acquire a high post count without first attaining a low post count ?


Those with low post counts only hold a 'provisional' license do they?


They must serve their time and having acquired a high post count, thereby demonstrating their politically correct credentials, they will be seen by you to 'count'?


What were you saying in an earlier post about 'inequalities' ?


You contradict yourself.

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I don't think it does. People will either assume she's Helen of Troy, or got a face like the back of a bus and a body like a bag of spanners. Many people also think that wearing it in the UK is a deliberate provocation. Not me, I just feel sad when I see it.

Quite. But it isn't an Islamic necessity, it's either an imposition in certain cultures/countries, or a deliberate choice by the individual woman.

You're very welcome. My work here is done then :)


Did George Orwell really say that about us?

Where is that quote, I want to read it !! :mad::D

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No. I'm going to distinguish what Islam (the ideal) says on the matter and what the cultures it has entered into says. I'm no apologist for Islam, but lumping everything into one basket won't solve a thing. And it certainly won't effect a change where It's needed most, from within the religion.


Talking about some ideal 'Islam' that doesn't actually exist is rather disingenuous isn't it... Talking about the reality of the religion is likely to reflect reality a little more closely.

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How does one acquire a high post count without first attaining a low post count ?


Those with low post counts only hold a 'provisional' license do they?


They must serve their time and having acquired a high post count, thereby demonstrating their politically correct credentials, they will be seen by you to 'count'?


What were you saying in an earlier post about 'inequalities' ?


You contradict yourself.



Just an observation son..


Btw, anyone know how to remove a hook from a lip?

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