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Is This The Best Way To Stop Drug Dealing?

A Solution?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. A Solution?

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I doubt it. Drug dealers like to act big but they wouldn't stand a chance against republic paramilitaries.


You're generalising drug dealers, of which there is a wide spectrum. It varies from the most common type (someone who buys a bundle and sells enough off to pay for their own personal portion), right through to gun-toting organised gangs and networks, some of which are also paramilitary!

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I wouldn't think for a minute that the paramilitaries are cleaning up their neighbourhoods out of a want for a better, safer society. More like they have their turf to protect and their reputations as hard men to preserve.

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I think people should get a long ish sentence the first time say 7 - 10 years because sometimes people make silly mistakes and sometimes people learn from them, people might learn a lesson then and think twice about doing it again. If they are a repeat offender showing no sign of remorse and do not change their ways and Police are arresting them again and again they should get life because it is a life for a life and 9 times out of ten that stuff takes peoples lives anyway the people that make the stuff and the sad people that get sucked into dealing this crap as they are seduced by the money, people do not realise the damage and heartache that crap causes to the families of the victims of drugs or people affected by crime due to drugs, they disgust me full stop and so do the scum that make and deal it. :)

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The Police need to get to the top of the organisation as it`s probably the gangsters that are running the show, the drugs barrons in Columbia and such places where it is grown, on the poppy fields etc. They are the ones that need targeting as do the dealers but they are just another link in the drugs chain and when the Police do arrest people in connection with a drugs ring or a drug dealer and they are taken off the streets there is always someone else coming up to take their place who will carry on selling drugs on the streets same as when drugs factories or plantations are discovered they always pop up somewhere else as well.


I honestly do not know what the answer is?? It is a vicious circle that will carry on as long as people are willing make and sell it I am afraid the only answer I can think of is harsher sentencing and maybe a hefty fine as well, if you are dealing or running a factory if the Police can prove it`s not just for personal use. :)

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