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Why does "Religion" exist?

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All animals (which are capable of being aware of anything at all!) are aware that they can be killed; only humans know that death is an inevitable certainty.


Is that because we have an innate knowledge as individuals or is it because we have the ability to communicate the idea to each other?


Does it matter either way?


Do we know, for certain, that animals aren't aware that death is inivetable, or do we presume that animals aren't aware that death is inevitable?


I'm philosophising, not really questioning what you said HN, in points of subtlety like this where we can't be sure I always think to myself that as I am an animal (some theists may disagree) it is reasonable to assume that other animals of a similar nature may have the same innate feelings as I do.


I don't know if I have the knowledge of death before it occurs because I had it innately or because it has been taught to me, I can't remember at which point it struck me.


Another thing is what exactly is the knowledge that we're going to die? Do people really accept they're going to die or do people believe that for them somehow it wont happen? I have heard people say (on TV documentary's) that it wasn't until such and such happened to them that they realized one day they would die, since then there outlook on life had changed.


Maybe a better way of asking that question is although we have the 'collective' knowledge as a race that we will one day die do we physcologically acknowledge it as individuals? Do we supress it? I don't know, I feel like I'm rambling now :hihi:


Just edited to say after re reading the thread it looks like I might be agreeing with Mr Smith, that's twice I've done that now :suspect:

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Religion is a form of social control, and a major power trip for the benefit of men.


Spirituality, on the other hand, is something else again.


I partially disagree. I think in some cases Religion can be a form of social control, but more importantly it seems to me that those who profess 'spirituality' want religion without the label. It's also usually a hodgepodge of 'nicked' ideas from religion that individuals cherry pick to suit themselves.


In short it's a form of individual religion that can be used without the label of religion.

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It's because Homo Sapiens is the only animal that knows it is going to die.


So it has to make up some sort of story that will make it feel better about dying.


We are born, we live, then we die.


Why are people so worried about what happens when they die?


Do they worry about where they were before they were born?


If not, why not?


Religions were invented many thousands of years ago to try to civilise the local villages. Basic rules to be obeyed, don't kill, thieve of neighbours etc.


How do you enforce this? By fear or punishments.


With out it we would still live in mud huts. Unfortuantly, it is now outdated and of no use in a modern society.

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Invented by someone who realised that fooling the gullible into believing that he gave them instructions from a higher being was the way to an easy life.

I doubt that they were much of a civilising influence, a huge number of conflicts have arisen due to religious disagreement.

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It's because Homo Sapiens is the only animal that knows it is going to die.


Doubt it very much, I'd be more inclined to say it's a method of exerting control over a large number of people, to the benefit of a small number of people.


The notion of death, and what happens after, is simply another form of brainwashing to further that control.

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Doubt it very much, I'd be more inclined to say it's a method of exerting control over a large number of people, to the benefit of a small number of people.


The notion of death, and what happens after, is simply another form of brainwashing to further that control.


It's rather the other way around; religion arises, and then the governance of the religion is handed over to a "priesthood" and corruption is inevitable.

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