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80 mph on motorways good idea or not

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Agree to no upper limit. The 70mph speed limit came in when cars were slow and rubbish. Cars can travel safely at much higher speeds now.

Agree regarding the quality of cars yesterdays cars, the spped limit was brought in during the 60s, cars are much safer 50 years later.

Regarding no upper limit can't agree there, we have enough boy racers and beemer wallahs with go faster stripes and big boot lid handles sitting on your back end.

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The problem isn't the speed - the problem is:


Safe distances between vehicles. People don't maintain a safe distance at the moment, so I doubt they'd even think the gap would need to be larger for 80mph.


Driving to the conditions. Again, people just see the speed limit at 70 and drive to it (and beyond) regardless of the conditions.


Poorly maintained vehicles - unchecked tyre pressures for one.


Cars may be safer now, but the drivers certainly aren't. I'd argue that the reaction time is worse now than in the past due to the comforts and distractions in a 21st century car.

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Agree to no upper limit. The 70mph speed limit came in when cars were slow and rubbish. Cars can travel safely at much higher speeds now.


The cars aren't the problem. It's the idiots with their hands on the steering wheel.


I am in favour of variable speed limits according to traffic conditions. I would also note that during the week motorways are full of "professional" drivers who have much more experience than the "weekend warriors" who appear at the weekends and pootle along, clog up lanes and misjudge the speed of other vehicles. I would have unrestricted speed sections at night and in remote parts of the M6/M74. BUT I would clamp down on undertaking, cutting in, cutting out and all BMW drivers who, as far as I am concerned, are stupid, arrogant and downright dangerous.


Definitely restrict lorries overtaking on two lane dual carriageways and motorways. They do it in Germany and it works there.

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The Government have been considering increasing the maximum speed on motorways to 80 mph, is this a good idea or a bad one will it increase the accident rate or are our motorways and drivers not ready for that kind of speed.


By far the vast majority of motorist travel at that speed anyway. IMHO it's long overdue.

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I'd clamp down on anyone who uses massive generalisations about how people drive based on the car they have. I shall leave you to imagine what part of their anatomy the clamp should be clamping on!


In the past I didn't believe in the whole 'Sunday drivers' thing, but it's completely true, there seem to be drivers who are barely competent and they seem to only come out over the weekend.


Re:Undertaking - if lane discipline were enforced then nobody would ever be able to undertake.

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I'd clamp down on anyone who uses massive generalisations about how people drive based on the car they have.



What model of BMW have you got?


My "massive generalisation" is based on years of observations driving 30,000+ miles a year. In one unscientific test I carried out on the M40 one in five cars doing over 90mph were BMWs.

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Z4M, and sorry to disappoint you but I drove to work at no more than 80 using my cruise control (where appropriate), didn't undertake anyone or cut in or out, drove in the left hand lane except when overtaking (was overtaken by quite a few cars, only one BMW that I can remember, a 2.0l diesel who seemed to be in a rush) and generally didn't do anything dangerous.


Did you ever think whilst performing your unscientific test that the drivers of those BMWs have no doubt in the past driven and owned other cars and that it's quite likely that they regularly drive another car at the current time.


What do you think happens when I get into my wife's Fiesta, do I become Dr Jeckle to my Mr Hyde in the BMW? Did my driving change the day I sold my Ford and bought my first BMW? When my wife drives my car do you think she suddenly becomes a boy racer and starts undertaking people whilst weaving down the motorway at 150mph?

Your assertion is as ridiculous as it is easy to discredit.

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Jim what category would you put me in then I drive HGV trucks I also drive a 4+4 and also own classic cars non of them will do much above 60 mph. or and I forgot I have a caravan as well

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By far the vast majority of motorist travel at that speed anyway. IMHO it's long overdue.

Even the smallest cars can do over 100mph now maybe some sort of manufactures speed limiting should be fitted to cars that should be part of the MOT or insurance reduced for cars fitted with speed limiters.

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Even the smallest cars can do over 100mph now maybe some sort of manufactures speed limiting should be fitted to cars that should be part of the MOT or insurance reduced for cars fitted with speed limiters.


Which lanes are you fast lanes, in the US the fast lanes are inside lanes, slower lanes are the outside nearer to the exit ramps, trucks ect are not aloud in the fast lanes .


As for 80 MPH I. Couldn't handle that but most good drivers which are men, would find no problem, it's the outriders that won't move over to let cars pass them in the faster lane, there the ones that cause a lot of the problems.

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