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Rebekah brooks charged

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Mrs Brooks learned this morning that she will be taken to court over accusations of perverting the course of justice in relation to the phone hacking scandal.

The former editor of the News of the World and the Sun is to be charged with five others, including her husband Charlie Brooks.

The four others to be charged are Mrs Brooks's former PA Cheryl Carter, the company's head of security Mark Hanna, News International chauffeur Paul Edwards and security consultant Daryl Jorsling.

Alison Levitt QC, principal legal adviser to the Director of Public Prosecutions, announced the decision at 10am, days after Mrs Brooks appeared at the Leveson inquiry into press ethics.


How the mighty fall.

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Glad to see that the CPS have decided Brooks, and others will be taken to court. The press in particular have behaved in the past as if they are above the law and in some cases behaving if they were the judge and jury.

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I've got no sympathy for her - IMO journalists are just parasites with everything she's been charged with surely there's got to be something in it. hope she has as many sleepless nights as the people who've found out their phones have been tapped

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Like everyone else in the country we are deemed innocent until proven guilty.

She should have a fair trial, but there has been so much media attention over her and her association with the NOW i doubt she would get one.I don't think it will get that far.

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She said she is baffled by the charges. I find it hard to believe that the News of the World was the only newspaper to hack phones


Almost certainly correct but still no defence.

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She seemed more concerned that her husband had been dragged into it, seeing as he wasn't anything to do with NoTW and News International.


No but if he helped dispose of potential evidence of a crime then he is guilty of perverting the course of justice none the less. If this is the case then it was her that dragged him into it.

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172 police officers are investigating the phone hacking scandal according to Rebekah Brooks and she suggests that they need prosecutions to justify the resources. I wonder how many police officers are investigating the Catholic cover-up of child-abusing priests. Which is more important?

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