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Rebekah brooks charged

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172 police officers are investigating the phone hacking scandal according to Rebekah Brooks and she suggests that they need prosecutions to justify the resources. I wonder how many police officers are investigating the Catholic cover-up of child-abusing priests. Which is more important?


Good point.

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172 police officers are investigating the phone hacking scandal according to Rebekah Brooks and she suggests that they need prosecutions to justify the resources. I wonder how many police officers are investigating the Catholic cover-up of child-abusing priests. Which is more important?


Yes, I agree, much more important.!

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172 police officers are investigating the phone hacking scandal according to Rebekah Brooks and she suggests that they need prosecutions to justify the resources. I wonder how many police officers are investigating the Catholic cover-up of child-abusing priests. Which is more important?


She is right that there does need to prosecutions to justify the resources. You are right that the money could probably have been better spent. But that doesn't mean prosecutions shouldn't now be made if there is sufficient evidence for a conviction... only time will tell.

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And if certain celebreties such as Sienna Miller hadn't brought private prosecutions we may not be here now. The whole thing is rancid. Media in bed with politicians and the Met unwilling to investigate (initially) because they were getting retainers.


At least it has detracted from the politicians expenses scandals. I wonder what will be next.

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172 police officers are investigating the phone hacking scandal according to Rebekah Brooks and she suggests that they need prosecutions to justify the resources. I wonder how many police officers are investigating the Catholic cover-up of child-abusing priests. Which is more important?


Looked like a pretty comprehensive charge sheet. Multiple people charged on multiple counts. Looks like the police have been very careful this time.


As for other things that could and should be investigated then perhaps Mr & Mrs Brooks's christmas dining partner could put the police cuts on hold.

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She said she is baffled by the charges. I find it hard to believe that the News of the World was the only newspaper to hack phones


the charge is nothing to do with the phone hacking really, the charge is for hiding/disposing evidence.

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She said she is baffled by the charges. I find it hard to believe that the News of the World was the only newspaper to hack phones


To slightly mis-quote Mandy Rice-Davies "Well, She would, wouldn't She?"


The charges, 3 counts of conspiring to pervert the course of justice, are very serious offences.


These particular charges do not allege that She or her co-defendants were responsible for hacking phones, the allegations are that She and others conspired to frustrate a criminal investigation which is a far more serious offence than phone hacking.


Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce are charged with similar offences in relation to a speeding ticket, (The case is sub judice and they are of course innocent until proved otherwise) , The alleged conspiracy to pervert the course of justice is a far more serious allegation than the disputed speeding offence.

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172 police officers are investigating the phone hacking scandal according to Rebekah Brooks and she suggests that they need prosecutions to justify the resources. I wonder how many police officers are investigating the Catholic cover-up of child-abusing priests. Which is more important?


Phone hacking because it involves celebs and we know they are far more important than some scruffy little oik who may have been buggered to within an inch of his life.

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