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Rebekah brooks charged

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Guest sibon
But that was not any part of the Court case. It was about interception of mobile telephone voicemail messages.


That isn't filthy, in your opinion?


I have higher standards personally.

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Gemma Dowler makes a very good point with regards to Tony Blair & Rebekah Brooks




I don't think Blair would disagree


Lets face it, Blair had his tongue so far up News International he could tell you what Rupert Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks had for tea last night.


Sadly his little Mini-Me, Ed Miliband still thinks that the way to garner support amongst the electorate is to fawn and toady to this scum.

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Lets face it, Blair had his tongue so far up News International he could tell you what Rupert Murdoch and Rebekah Brooks had for tea last night.


Sadly his little Mini-Me, Ed Miliband still thinks that the way to garner support amongst the electorate is to fawn and toady to this scum.


fawn and toady ... never heard that before. The only way a political party is going to win an election is through media companies hyping up the economy, education and health and most of the press in the UK is rightwing. Having said that, the Metro free paper which is published by the same people who own/run the Daily Mail and the Metro has been sticking it to Cameron, Osborne and IDS over the last few months. So have the DM is some respects but not quite as heavy.

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The only way a political party is going to win an election is through media companies hyping up the economy, education and health and most of the press in the UK is rightwing.


Is that how Labour did it in '97, '01 and '05?

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