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What's The Best Thing For Energy?

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Being a CFS sufferer I need advise. Has anyone tried anything that's worked? I've tried all sorts from Red Bull to Vitamins and nowts helped. If you've never suffered ME / CFS you'll not know what the feeling is like. Its not so much a physical thing for me, its mentally fatigued as though you haven't slept for days....

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Boosters like caffeine and such like are no good at all, in ME/CFS, as they drain your "batteries" even worse than ordinary exertions.


My advice is to learn to pace yourself. Imagine you have so many coins (100?) to spend on your activities each day. If you know that going to the shop will use up, say, 50 of your 100 coins, you have to remember that you will only have 50 coins left after doing that activity. Rest when you need, and listen to what your body is telling you.


Contact the local ME/CFS group for help and advice.

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I take a multi-vitamin, Co-enzyme Q10, magnesium, and zinc. I also drink pro-biotic yoghurt, and try and get some fresh air and sunlight every day, even if it's only 20 minutes sitting in the garden. I also try and eat healthily, avoiding as much processed food as possible. I avoid chemicals in household products like cleaners and perfumes.


I also rest and/or meditate at least once a day if I can. As Plain Talker says, pacing is the key, but is easier said than done. Sleep is my biggest problem, I cannot regulate it properly so sometimes end up going 56 hours without sleep, then crashing.

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Being a CFS sufferer I need advise. Has anyone tried anything that's worked? I've tried all sorts from Red Bull to Vitamins and nowts helped. If you've never suffered ME / CFS you'll not know what the feeling is like. Its not so much a physical thing for me, its mentally fatigued as though you haven't slept for days....


Have you not heard of Dennis the Chemist, he is sometimes on the radio - Dennis Gore - he attends health conferences all over the world and has a Chemist shop in Heaton Park/Prestwich area


I phoned him once and he sent me reams of health notes:D


btw I would never have heard of Q10 if I hadn't been listening to him.

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Some friends with ME/CFS have found a vegan diet helpful. others have sworn by Aloe Vera.




She's more likely to kill him.



Stop going to the gym, stop horse riding, stop swimming, stop working, stop boxing. Relax and tinkle on the keyboard all day and save energy. You know it makes sense.

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