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Debate: Should people on benefits be paid in coupons

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I have been thinking how the country can encourage people back to work rather than people accepting the current system due to the financial rewards of the current system.


As a tax payer it really annoys me (and this is my opinion which i am entitled to) that individuals on benefits (and I must add not all but a large proportion) are able to drive new cars, holiday abroad each year, drink alcohol and smoke all at the tax payers expense....


I think the bigger question you raise is what are YOU smoking. Everyone's a taxpayer by the way. We all pay VAT. If you make out that because you're a "taxpayer" (assuming you mean income tax) then that entitles you to talk garbage then you're wrong. What you mean is that because you work and earn money you're entitled to treat people less well off as you as undeserving scum. No you're not.


And how would the coupon system work? Presumably these coupons under your system of branding the Untermensch would not be able to be used for alcohol, cigarettes, holidays, petrol, and other things that you don't think the Untermensch deserve. That would lead to a black market in coupons as people sold them for cash. It would also take money out of the economy and make the recession worse. So it wouldn't work anyway.


A lot of people on benefits have worked for years and paid tax just like you. Unemployment has gone up because of the state of the economy. And there are millions of people who get benefits who also work. Their benefits are child benefit and tax credits. Should they be paid in coupons too?

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i would just be happy to be fed, watered and loved with a roof over my head, i wouldnt give 2 hoots what other people think but thats me, i dont try to keep up with the Jones's. ;)


Well why don't you ask to be paid in coupons then and let everyone else be paid how they want?

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No, no no no and no. Not everyone unemployed is so through choice, they do not deserve to be treated as lesser citizens.


I actually work for the JCP, and what OP states is not the case. The vast vast vast majority of benefit claimants receive no more than the basic rates of benefit. Even when considering Housing Benefit, the claims OP makes are way off the mark.


In all of these 'debates' facts come a distant second to an aggrieved sense of self-importance.

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they say they have kids and work


Then I do not know how this works without compromising family life.

You are better of going without than not seeing your kids grow up and being responsible for them.

I know this is hard in the present: must have World: we live in, but take it from me it is a fact.

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Then I do not know how this works without compromising family life.

You are better of going without than not seeing your kids grow up and being responsible for them.

I know this is hard in the present: must have World: we live in, but take it from me it is a fact.


my 7 kids are grown up now and i know about peer pressure, however if everyone brought their kids up to accept that there is more to life than the latest gear, phone, etc it wouldnt take long for everyone to accept it., and my kids would find ways of earning money by helping other people with jobs etc.

and we walked or cycled everywhere , ps, i am not on about decades ago either, my youngest left home 3 yrs ago.

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You obviously dont earn enough money in your eyes, thatd why your looking across at the neighbours new car and bitching and moaning about it on here.


I don't think that necessarily follows, it's quite reasonable to expect that the state not be paying sufficient benefits for someone to live a better lifestyle than those who work. Fortunately it doesn't.

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In all of these 'debates' facts come a distant second to an aggrieved sense of self-importance.


please forgive me, its early in the morning but is this a for or against coupons? i cant quite grasp the quote lol :confused:

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my 7 kids are grown up now and i know about peer pressure, however if everyone brought their kids up to accept that there is more to life than the latest gear, phone, etc it wouldnt take long for everyone to accept it., and my kids would find ways of earning money by helping other people with jobs etc.

and we walked or cycled everywhere , ps, i am not on about decades ago either, my youngest left home 3 yrs ago.

And I bet you do not regret one moment.

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good morning everyone,

i am on benefits , not by choice, i havent been well for a long time now.

luckily i can budget well but i know people who are useless with money.

i dont drive, smoke or drink.

i think people on beneits should be paid in vouchers, as all supermarkets and shops could accept them, also clothing stores, and utility companies and holiday companies etc should accept them in payment too. (even ill and disabled people can holiday once a year) if they can budget!!!

as long as i had food, clothing, elec and gas etc that is what is important to me and my family if they were still living at home.

if coupons were brought in i am sure there will be less people drinking and smoking and wasting money every day rather than going to work and earning the money to buy these things .

also there wouldnt be the 'latest gear' war with kids nowadays.


So coupons would be acceptable for everything except smoking and drinking.

And you don't think that this might form a black market in coupons? You give me £5 worth of coupons and I get you £4 worth of beer using my cash.

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