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Debate: Should people on benefits be paid in coupons

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We just need as a society to get away from expecting something for nothing, to get people back to work, employers need to be encouraged to employ the unemployed instead of foreign workers, the unemployed need to be given a reason to work, make them better off in work and for the people that just can’t find a job they need to be given something to do to receive their benefits. We get rid of benefits and call it community service to be used as an emergency support system in which they are paid to work in the community. The benefits office staff should be actively placing the unemployed into jobs.


Sheffield City Council have been developing their something for nothing strategy for 30 years. It's all they have to offer. The drones have just voted for more of it.

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There is also the large elephant in the room that no-one seems to ever address - we live in a world with increasing globalisation, increasing automation and an increasing population unless we fairly radically reform the idea of work then there just aren't jobs for all. It should be cheaper for an employed to take on two people to work 4 day weeks than to take on one person pay a bit of over time and work them every hour god sends.



Do you have any idea how much bureaucracy there is in employing just one person? When you get to 5 employees the bureaucracy expands exponentially. It's a nightmare for a small business. It's no wonder small businesses don't want to take on more staff. They would rather subcontract because it is so much simpler. I am a one man band who could use some help now and again on bigger jobs but I would rather turn work away than take on staff. I can barely cope with the bureaucracy I have now. (tax, national insurance, VAT, H&S etc etc)

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There are two types of JSA are there not? Contributions based and non-contributions based. Pay the contributions based benefit in cash and the non-contributions based in vouchers. That way those who have paid in and are using the system as a temporary safety net continue as before and those abusing the system as a lifestyle choice have an incentive to get a job.

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I'd love to know how they do it as well. I get £50 ish and I'm left with £0, I'd be in the minuses if I took credit or borrowed, but I don't. Oh, and I don't really have to pay much out either.


I suspect you're just making things up m'dear :)

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Many on here have criticised the idea of a voucher scheme due to it being open to abuse such as a black market. One way to avoid this would be to have all benefit recipients wear some form of identifying clothing so that anyone serving a voucher holder who was not wearing said identifier could be prosecuted.


Perhaps a yellow star or patch could be designed with a motto such as "Jobseeker, unemployed, don't engage" or JUDE for short.

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Many on here have criticised the idea of a voucher scheme due to it being open to abuse such as a black market. One way to avoid this would be to have all benefit recipients wear some form of identifying clothing so that anyone serving a voucher holder who was not wearing said identifier could be prosecuted.


Perhaps a yellow star or patch could be designed with a motto such as "Jobseeker, unemployed, don't engage" or JUDE for short.




I want a "Like" button!

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Those that prefer to spend the handouts on fags and booze would still get round it, a shop on Taplin Road gives fags and booze to the equivalent of the milk token value which is currently about £3 each, I'm sure there are more dodgy shops that do the same, and more still if benefit money becomes coupons.

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