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Can I sign Elvis Presley as a joke on on s scam contract?

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I received a letter that looks like it is from Industry and Commerce, register of Bussiness Information.


It looks very official and has the details of my bussines on it. Asking me to confirm if it is correct or fill in the correct information below it and sign it.


I almost signed but got suspicious that the return envelope was going to valenzia, spain.


It all looks very official and harmles but if you look closer there is small writing underneath the form.

If you sign you commit to a 3 year contract to be listed in a bussines register at the cost of 997 eurosper year.


A little investigation and found out this is a big scam and lots of people have signed it by mistake and are now threatened with legal action for the money.


I signed it Elvis Presley and put the date of 65/43/2222 and wrote above it to go F~~K yourself.


These scammers have ruined many peoples lifes with threatening lawyers and highly intense letters to put them under pressure. Many people have paid out of fear but nobody has been taken to court yet.


My intension is if they harras me ill warn them to stop or Ill sue them A million euro's for stress, harasment etc. As they don't have a legal signature.

But I am not certain where I really stand signing this E Presley with nonexistend date as a joke.

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I think you are right and ill get rid of it.

Only thing is after doing the research to find out how many people are left in tears and frustration. After signing it by mistake, it is such a misleading form made by criminals.


These criminals have found a legal way of theft, highly sophisticated and the law does little to protect you from this.


There are kids doing bad silly things and put in jail but this company in spain gets away stealing thousands from innocent company's.


I will be more carefull when signing forms even if they look innocent and read the smallprints in future even if it looks like they are from friendly sources.

You never know.


Just got angry after reading about all the victims and thought about sending it back like a joke but you dont know where your real rights are.

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I just spat my tea on the laptop after reading that :hihi:


That's the first time I've genuinly 'LOLed' in ages.


There have been many people that were not aware while signing this form and have been taken to hell and back again.

You need to be very alert to notice the real meaning of this scam.


A good laugh is very healty, now you have to clean your laptop

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I received a letter that looks like it is from Industry and Commerce, register of Bussiness Information.


It looks very official and has the details of my bussines on it. Asking me to confirm if it is correct or fill in the correct information below it and sign it.


I almost signed but got suspicious that the return envelope was going to valenzia, spain.


It all looks very official and harmles but if you look closer there is small writing underneath the form.

If you sign you commit to a 3 year contract to be listed in a bussines register at the cost of 997 eurosper year.


A little investigation and found out this is a big scam and lots of people have signed it by mistake and are now threatened with legal action for the money.


I signed it Elvis Presley and put the date of 65/43/2222 and wrote above it to go F~~K yourself.


These scammers have ruined many peoples lifes with threatening lawyers and highly intense letters to put them under pressure. Many people have paid out of fear but nobody has been taken to court yet.


My intension is if they harras me ill warn them to stop or Ill sue them A million euro's for stress, harasment etc. As they don't have a legal signature.

But I am not certain where I really stand signing this E Presley with nonexistend date as a joke.


i get these almost on a weekly basis.


small print at the bottom reveals the same - a business directory (based in Mexico City) chargeable at 1300 euros per year, reply address Paris.


they used to do it by phone - my colleague went through some crap with them - believe it or not, simply saying the word 'Yes' at some point during the convo (the question could have been "is the weather nice in the UK?" ) was edited and cut, so it appeared as the answer to "Can i therefore bill you 1300 euros for this business directory?"


We actually received the directory, and we were in it, along with literally millions of businesses!


We then started received the reminders to pay - we asked them to provide proof of ordering - and they played back this editted conversation. Quite funny, and a good effort from them. We argued this was not how the convo really went down, and anyway, we don't order anything from anyone without a signed purchase order - which they obviously didn't have, so they eventually let go. Still got the directory, and it is utterly useless. Just reams and reams and reams of names and numbers with no useful info such as type of business..

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These people from valenzia get a legal signature and are rather intense at getting their money. Not just a reminder.

Ignoring them is not advised as you have signed and are committed by law to obey the contract. Only thing you can do is complain and officialy in writing that the form was misleading. If you don't do that and ignore their actions, they can take it to the top.

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you have signed and are committed by law to obey the contract. Only thing you can do is complain and officialy in writing that the form was misleading.

I'm no lawyer, but you've not entered into that agreement wilfully. You were tricked into it. I'd say that nobody has any obligation to pay them money.


To give an example, if I got an autograph off a celebrity and then I unrolled the piece of paper to show that he'd signed a contract to say that he owes me £1000 - the court would reject it.


As I say, I'm no expert. Contract law is complex for an amateur.



There are two types of misrepresentation in contract law, fraud in the factum and fraud in inducement.
Fraud in the factum focuses on whether the party in question knew they were creating a contract. If the party did not know that they were entering into a contract, there is no meeting of the minds, and the contract is void.
Fraud in inducement focuses on misrepresentation attempting to get the party to enter into the contract. Misrepresentation of a material fact (if the party knew the truth, that party would not have entered into the contract) makes a contract voidable.

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