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Arsonist kills 6 children in Derby housefire.

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I'm sure they haven't & there is nowhere in my post where I suggest that's the case. Sometimes you just get a feeling about things, you look at something or someone and it just doesn't look right. Something doesn't ring true. That's how I felt when I saw them. Nothing more than that.


I think we all do this subconciously about all sorts of things. The problem is that it's human nature that we remember the times we were right and forget the times we were wrong. I remember I called bin ladin as the perp 2 seconds after the second plane hit on 9/11. I remember shouting at the radio while driving that it was clearly a terrorist attack on 7/7 as 5 live burbled on for about two hours about power outages. I called Madrid as al qaeda when the government in Spain was saying ETA. I called norway as neo nazi when the media were still talking about islamic terrorists and cartoons. Have i got stuff wrong, I'm sure I have loads of times. But it's not in the forefront of my mind because thats how the mind works.


All i'm saying is gut instinct is fine as long as you don't make decisions on the basis of it, because you will forget the times it failed you and remember the times it worked.

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I genuinely thought their "grief" at the press conference looked like one of the worst bits of acting I'd ever seen. They just looked like they were gurning for the cameras. There was no point in writing that on here at the time, looking at the vitriol heaped on anyone who thought there was something amiss with this case. And it was hard to believe that even those with such an obvious lack of intelligence and responsibility for their actions could stoop *that* low.


As a bereaved parent myself their state looked all too real to me and not like acting at all. I'm not commenting any more until the verdict.

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Mod Note


Here is the Derbyshire Police report on this incident.




Discuss the matter by all means however please be aware this matter is sub judice, to quote the police websiteFurther as the investigation is ongoing, there may be more charges or the existing charges may be dropped, please do not post anything which may prejudice that, anything that does so will be removed.


I will repeat this for those that obviously either didn't read it or didn't see it first time around. Do not post anything which may prejudice any court case.

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I think the people who are saying that people involved in the press conference always seem to be guilty need to think a bit harder - you remember these cases (as posted above, Karen Matthews etc) so well just because they WERE guilty. I'm sure there have been many, many more when they actually weren't. One I think I remember was the Milly Dowler case, her parents did a news appeal - her father was also a murder suspect at one point.


I agree. As Andy Gardner points out, these are the cases that we remember and not the Sara Paynes of this world (I recall similar things being said about her grief at the time).


I really am shocked by this turn of events. As Nagel says however, I am still reserving judgement, not being in possession of any of the facts.

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I was not doing that. I was just saying that it is ok for people to have an opinion based on the appeal. That doesn't make them part of a lynch mob as was suggested.


and neither was i, i just pointed out for some weird reason that press interview made me feel a little uncomfortable, i agree with you there llamatron

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Do you really believe that they're not grieving, even if they are responsible for the fire? They clearly have not been charged on the basis of a press conference, therein lies the difference.


I'm still concerned about the smoke alarms especialy if they were the same models fitted by the council at my home.

Could it be that they only intended to start the fire to prove that the home was not safe for so many people whilst expecting the alarms to go off as they should have done at an early enough stage for the occupants to make their escape.

The alarms fitted by the council in my home failed to go off even though they were surrounded by smoke that filled one third of our kitchen and dining room and although we complained to the council and fire department we could not get them to understand our concern.

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Well, if anything I'm even sorrier for them now than I was before. If the CPS have a good case for charging them, no wonder they were crying at the press conference.


No matter what the reason for setting their own home ablaze, if they did, the intended outcome could never have been to cause the deaths of their own children. How can anyone live with that on their consciences, and the woman has lost all her children.


Truly tragic.


More fool you.

If and i repeat IF they are guilty then they don't deserve your sympathy.

They deserve to be locked away and NEVER see the light of day again.

Those poor babies.

Makes me want to weep at the thought of how they died.

I just hope they all died of smoke inhalation and weren't aware of anything.

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Do you really believe that they're not grieving, even if they are responsible for the fire? They clearly have not been charged on the basis of a press conference, therein lies the difference.


I think you have far too much faith in human nature.

I doubt very much they are grieving for their kids.

I think they are more likely upset at the impending life sentence should they be found guilty.

I just hope they are segregated otherwise there will be two more deaths before this story is over.

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Well, if anything I'm even sorrier for them now than I was before. If the CPS have a good case for charging them, no wonder they were crying at the press conference.


No matter what the reason for setting their own home ablaze, if they did, the intended outcome could never have been to cause the deaths of their own children. How can anyone live with that on their consciences, and the woman has lost all her children.

Truly tragic.


What outcome did they want ? You set fire to your house whilst your kids are in it there is a high risk they will die ! Were they gunna try and rescue them all ?

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