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Arsonist kills 6 children in Derby housefire.

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all i said was it didnt look very credible, his emotions looked very false, why would you go on national tv and try to show your grief? i couldnt do it, what is the point of doing that? many times in the past tv/police appeals and press conferences showing the grief stricken party have turned into them being charged. ..sharon matthews for one!


If you're gonna throw mud you should get your facts straight. The name of the mother from Dewsbury who plotted to 'kidnap' her daughter is Karen Matthews, and the daughter's name is Shannon not Sharon.

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I know what they mean. It seemed like they were trying to emphasise their distress. But we are talking about people we don't know, we know even less what they are feeling.


I felt the same about the mccanns but now I think they were quite rightly feeling really guilty for leaving their children in a foreign apartment alone.


Maybe its guilt that they got out alive!


Until anyone has walked in their shoes, I think it is impossible to even begin to imagine how they must be feeling. Furthermore, frequently in these situations, parents are coached by psychologists and experts to behave in a certain way in front of the cameras to have the desired effect on to the culprit(s).

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Until anyone has walked in their shoes, I think it is impossible to even begin to imagine how they must be feeling. Furthermore, frequently in these situations, parents are coached by psychologists and experts to behave in a certain way in front of the cameras to have the desired effect on to the culprit(s).


That may well be the case but coaching them seems like a dangerous game. What made me think something was wrong was the mother taking sneaky looks at the camera through her tears. Which may just mean she doesn't want to be filmed whilst shes crying. But I guess for evolutionary reasons we will always make snap decisions about whether someone is trustworthy or safe based on instinct.


It might just be in this case that they are indeed making a big show of how upset they are (I don't mean they aren't upset just that they are exaggerating it) because they have been told to do so. For instance they may have been told not to try and hold it together for the cameras, making them act unnaturally.

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I thought it was just me that felt this way but I'm away on business and stuck in a hotel room and have seen this appeal 4 or 5 times tonight and something just doesnt seem right. I do hope that I am wrong but those tears and anguish just didnt seem real.


i too had that uncomfortable feeling that those tears were not real, i dunno instinct??? i feel the police should interview them ASAP though and i hope im wrong

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i too had that uncomfortable feeling that those tears were not real, i dunno instinct??? i feel the police should interview them ASAP though and i hope im wrong


Do you really think the police won't have already interviewed them? I expect they have been interviewed, but I wouldn't expect the police to publish the interviews just to satisfy a few people on this forum who crave sensationalist gossip when six children have died in horrific circumstances. Sometimes I despair at the mentality of some people on this forum.

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Do you really think the police won't have already interviewed them? I expect they have been interviewed, but I wouldn't expect the police to publish the interviews just to satisfy a few people on this forum who crave sensationalist gossip when six children have died in horrific circumstances. Sometimes I despair at the mentality of some people on this forum.


didnt the police say they havnt interviewed them?im just wondering if they have got enemys or something in the area, someone has done this to a family a murderer is out there and as other poster said above, coaching them for interview is dangerous, im not saying the parents are guilty i just think they seem to know something, i apologise if my post comes accross as pointing the finger at the parents, i just felt uneasy with the news report yesterday

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i too had that uncomfortable feeling that those tears were not real, i dunno instinct??? i feel the police should interview them ASAP though and i hope im wrong


Oh so you in all your wisdom happen to know that they haven't been interviewed by the police ! I feel certain that they will have been interviewed by the police over their 6 children dying in a house fire especially since they were in the house also. How else would the police know where to start if they didn't interview all people who were there at the time of the incident :help:

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didnt the police say they havnt interviewed them?im just wondering if they have got enemys or something in the area, someone has done this to a family a murderer is out there and as other poster said above, coaching them for interview is dangerous, im not saying the parents are guilty i just think they seem to know something, i apologise if my post comes accross as pointing the finger at the parents, i just felt uneasy with the news report yesterday


I assume we are mixing up interviewing them about what happened with interviewing them as suspects.

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it makes me glad when I read some of the most judgemental posts on here, I'm so glad that you are not in any position of power. Let the police do their investiagation, and stop speculating, six children have died. No family should have to endure such a tragedy, and be thankful it hasn't happened to any of you.

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I assume we are mixing up interviewing them about what happened with interviewing them as suspects.


As a first approximation, in the absence of any information about the specific causes of a fire, the most likely explanation is accident.


Once it's been decided that it is not an accident, the next most likely explanation is "insurance job."


In this specific case, the details we have available now make fairly clear that it wasn't an insurance job - or that, if it was, the parents are the most blitheringly stupid crooks to have appeared for a long long time, since they decided to go to sleep in their front lounge after pouring petrol through their own letterbox. I think we can discard them as suspects.


Whether the police were able to discard them as suspects before the first interviews, we cannot tell. We can be fairly sure that they will have been interviewed as soon as they were coherent after the tragedy.

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