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Northern General dangerous and ignorant staff parking

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There have been some real problems caused by the way people have parked in this area for a long time now, both staff, who obviously leave their cars parked all day, and also by patients and visitors. In my opinion the hospital is massively to blame, more parking should, and quite frankly could be freely provided. When cars are parked properly, i dont think anyone can have any objection whatsoever, when however cars are parked in an inconsiderate manner, blocking access to private driveways for instance, double parking, or parking up on pavements blocking access, then i can see how people would become aggrieved. I lived near the Northern for many years, and saw first hand the effect of the parking problem, i myself have been blocked in, and again, can confirm that neither the council or the police are particularly bothered about issueing tickets. The road i lived on got so bad that one side now has a parking exclusion during the peak period, in order to allow a normal traffic flow, as its a bus route, oh and to allow ambulances to get people to the hospital. Its only a matter of time before certain roads around there will be permit only parking, in my opinion.

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just to clarify, considerate parking should be practised by hospital staff, patients, visitors to patients, and RESIDENTS, for anyone to block me in, or off my drive is unacceptable, no matter what job they do.

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Why should your daughter be able to save a place by putting bins outside her house, if people pay there road tax they are entitled to park where ever is legal, your daughter does not have a automatic right to park there, i remember reading in the star that all the local residents were asked by the council if they wanted a parking permit scheme in that area and the residents turned it down !!!

Yes I heard that, they said they wanted £100+ a year for residents permits why should residents have to pay that when they already pay road tax and rates there , no one is saying they are not entitled to park there legally but I think people who live there are more entitled to park near there own house then some one who just dumps there car there for the day to avoid having to pay car parking fees in the hospital car parks,I blame the NHS for not providing free or at least low cost car parking for staff as for putting bins out on the road you have to do that if you want to park anywhere on the road after 8am you are frightened to move your car when you come back you have to park miles away sometimes she brings her car and parks it in our yard and walks down to her house because she can not park anywhere on the road, Im sure most people would be annoyed if that kept happening to them everyday hospital staff or not

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there was one day when I saw the bin men leave the bins as the could not get to them as the cars were parked bumper to bumper all the way down the road,she put the bins out one night on the road for the bin men and someone put them on the footpath so they could park there on her front.

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No they should not HAVE to pay but if it was upsetting me that much for the sake of £2 per week or whatever I would pay it I think.

If you say it like that yes I think a couple of quid a week to park your car in peace is not that bad,that was proposed before she moved there, not sure if they wanted it in a lump sum though, that could be a lot of money to some people.

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The permits still dont guarantee you a space outside your home, just a space on the road, which is one of the reasons the schemes are normally voted down. I have to say, the parking has turned the area into a bit of a chaotic area, but if people park as they should, then i dont mind. If the house has a driveway and it remains unblocked then i dont think anyone has a reason to moan, as there is a permanent place for parking. if the house doesnt have a driveway, then you really have to accept that the area is heavily populated with cars during the hours of 7.30-5.30, and that parking may be an issue.

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