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Spain snubs the Queen over Gibraltar. Are we bothered??

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It appears the Queen of Spain, whoever she is, won't be attending our Queen's Diamond Jubilee dinner. It it because her government have ordered her not to attend because a British Royal is visiting the British crown colony of Gibraltar. How dare British people visit British territories in the jubilee year?

It just shows what a hypocritical lot the Spanish are. They have a pretty similar sized colony (Ceuta) on the coast of Morocco, but never seem to suggest handing it over to the Moroccans.


I note that the Spanish economy took another turn for the worse yesterday, and their credit rating and interest rates went up yet again. Let's hope that when Spain comes around with the begging bowl Cameron has enough backbone to tell them to eat paella.

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If Spain and France on one side and Argentina and Chile on the other side decided to attack the UK at the same time could we take them??


I'm sort of puzzled why you would think France would side with Spain. We are the ones with the joint defence agreement with France. I would also suggest that Chile would be more likely to attack Argentina than us.


We could flatten Argentina at the push of a button. The situation is pretty much the same with Spain if we don't mind damaging a few British pensioner's homes.

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Call me thick if you like, but I wasn't really aware that Spain even had a Queen!....Come to think of it, I don't really care either!


Another little irrelevance which probably entered my head and got shredded with all of lifes' other little irrelevancies!

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