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Spain snubs the Queen over Gibraltar. Are we bothered??

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I can't imagine a single Gibraltarian voting to become part of Spain and contribute to paying off the countries debts now repayments are 6% and rising.


As Gibraltar is a tax haven they won't vote to become part of anywhere including the UK.

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Trafalgar was 200 years ago


I did say it was a long time ago :roll:


and pre Entente Cordialle. We have since fought alongside the French in 2 world wars and numerous NATO campaigns. The last being Libya a few months ago. Spain under Franco backed Hiter when he invaded France in 1940. We currently have joint agreements to share equipment with France including aircraft carriers.

Chile is very good at saying one thing to Argentina and another to the UK. They provided emergency bases for the UK during the Falklands War and have no love whatsoever for Argentina. And we could flatten them in a morning as well if it came to it.


Anyhoo, hyperthetically, could Britain stand up to France, Spain, Argentina and Chile?

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Ahhh such is life, if we all went around hating those we considered more fortunate than ourselves then what a sad anarchic world it would be ! Are you an anarchist or just riddled with some strange jealousy :suspect:


Arh the jealousy retort :roll:

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That would appear to be very wide of the mark. There was a referedum in Gibraltar in 2002 regarding shared sovereignity with Spain. It was rejected by 98.5% to 1.03%. That's a little more than 65% and that was before Spain's financial collapse. I can't imagine a single Gibraltarian voting to become part of Spain and contribute to paying off the countries debts now repayments are 6% and rising.


What? You seem to be not only wide but aiming at a totally different mark. I was writing about the UK being a monarchy, not about Gibraltar.

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I'm fairly sure that if there was a referendum, that the monarchy would win. People don't like politicians, and that's what you'd be replacing the monarch with.


We already have politicians, republic or not..Not sure of your point really. We don't get a vote on royalty.

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We already have politicians, republic or not..Not sure of your point really. We don't get a vote on royalty.


The point is every poll carried out puts monarchists in the majority, republicans don't have to like it but they should accept if they did get a vote on the issue, they'd lose. Maybe this will change in the future, but certainly not while Queen Elizabeth is on the throne, and the new generation will likely kick that potential republican majority a long way down the road again.


Charles is republicans only hope, so you do at least have one.

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