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Spain snubs the Queen over Gibraltar. Are we bothered??

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about 65% of the population would want to keep the Uk as a monarchy, but I would suspect of that 65% less then half actually have any real opinion on the subject while the rest are just not wishing to change from the status quo.


Internet Statistics... I'm sure there is a rumor that they tend to be full of it...


Because 35% of the people made themselves known at the beginning of June! lol



I would much prefer a president to be the head of state and actually be a leader rather than the empty throne we had today that is nothing more than a mouth piece for the government. There is a reason why so many nations have this format and why more and more are joining them.


Presidents would be politically motivated just like Members of Parliament. Whats the point? The Queen probably kicks Prime Ministers into line (There were rumours she did it with Gordan Brown in the later days of his rein, like I said could be BS but...), Just because its not plastered all over the news doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


If we are going to replace a centuries old tradition at least there has to be a point to it and replacing one of the most respected Heads of State in the world with another Politician would be a bad error of Judgement just to appease a minority of Britons.

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Well ok then. Let us set the Royal family up as a charity and stop giving them our money who do not want them. In this way people who do not want royalty do not have to pay a penny and the ones that do can give to the charity. But first take all their wealth off them as I want my money back.


How about Republicans just sod of and move to somewhere that is a bastion of Republicanism... Democratic Republic of the Congo? Mexico? (Not the nice part of course that's for "rich" people who don't care where 65p a year goes in taxes). How about the Republic of Ireland... I hear house prices are cheap there! Plus... Guess what? - The clue is in the name - ...... Its a Republic!


There isn't going to be a Republic in the UK at least not for a long time, quit your moaning and make a pressure group... See how popular it becomes.


Also talking of money, how much do you think was raised around the country in taxes to celebrate the Jubilee and the Royal Wedding last year? or how much the Royal estate rakes in for the Treasury (Yes Royals pay taxes now!).


65p a year it costs each British Taxpayer a year for the Monarchy and the Government gets all the profits from the Royal Estates... Its a Win Win for the Government!


Republicans are talking out of their literal a***s.

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Why because you Republicans represent a majority of Britons? No. You are just a bunch of whiners wanting to get rid of the Monarchy, why? Would a President be any better? No he'd be politically motivated and no where near as respected as a King or Queen.


Republicans proved how popular they were on the Jubilee celebrations, weren't there about 200 swamped by many many thousands of well-wishers in London?


Republicans are the embarrassment.


Why do you assume anyone wants a President, strange "new" poster with familiar signature and style? :huh:

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Why do you assume anyone wants a President, strange "new" poster with familiar signature and style? :huh:


1, I haven't signed up to this forum before so if you think i'm someone else I can assure you i'm not. :loopy:


2, Well just look at some of the Republican posts, stating a President would be better as it would be elected. We elect enough politicians for them to do sod all for the working man & woman. I'd rather keep a centuries old tradition and spend 65p a year on the Monarchy, than have to be lied too by another ******* in a suit.

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