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Career Politians.

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Cameron, Milleband an " et al "go from public school to Westminster without any idea as to what the rest of us go through. Should Westminster be the wholly owned by the so called the elite.

Irespective of what you thought about Maggie Thatcher she had a proper job as an Industrial Chemist and knew a bit about what we needed. The only time the " people in charge " nowadays only know about about a dirty job is when they slip up with their toilet paper.

Should all politicians go through an apprenticeship like anyone who want to be good at his job.

Unfortunately, at the end of the day they all end up with good pensions irrespective of whether they are any good or not and we pay for them through taxes if they arer unfortunate to be caught out with their expenses. :rant:

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I think all politicians, especially cabinet members with little experience of the real world, should spend at least a month each year working in the public sector at ordinary jobs like care worker, policeman, nurse, teacher etc. And preferably in the North of England where life is a whole lot different to London.


Even if it's only shadowing someone doing these jobs they might see a bit of life at the sticky end. Find out what it's like to use public transport and services etc, and find out how their cuts actually effect outcomes.


It might even save a bit of money on the endless reports they commision into these services, which they then ignore.

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