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Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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And how much work would you make illegal immigrants and all the false asylum seekers do.


How much work has abu hamza and his famuily done along with the other piece of trash that the government is trying to deport?


You waffle about incentive, if I was made to work to keep scum like them and thousands more in comfort it would make me less inclined to work for benefits.


I wouldn't make them do anything, I would have prevented them entering the UK.

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Because you're initialy targeting the wrong group of people, prisoners, illegal immigrants and false asylum seekers should be at the top of the list.



I'm not targeting anyone, the topic is about "Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work." and not about prisoners and illegal immigrants.

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I just pressed the quote button and it copied what you posted, so not against the rules, it’s what the quote button is for, changing what you typed probably would be against the rules, which is why I didn’t change what you typed.
Except that it was obvious that I was refering to these.



England and Wales has one of the highest rates of incarceration in Western Europe, along with Scotland: In 2011 an average of 152 people in every 100,000 were in prison.[1]


On 22 February 2008, prisons in England and Wales had exceeded their "operational capacity" with just over 82,000 prisoners.[2] This is a near-doubling of the English and Welsh total from 42,000 in 1991; furthermore the Home Office predicts a population of 110,000 by 2010. As of a report by http://www.hmprisonservice.gov.uk/re...dex.asp?cat=85 produced on 26th November 2010 the incarceration rate of the UK is 85,458 which is below the previous anticipated figure of the home office.


In 2004, each prisoner cost the taxpayer an average of £38,000.[3] The rise in the prison population has been substantially driven by harsher sentencing. In 1995, 129 people were in prison for shoplifting; in 2005, it was 1,400. In 2001, 3,000 people were sent to prison for petty theft for a first time offence. One third of petty offenders lose their home while in custody; two-fifths lose contact with their families; two-thirds lose their jobs. Around half of all prisoners have a reading age less than an 11-year old. Two in five prisoners lack basic literacy skills and four in five do not have basic numeracy.[4]


All this contributes to reoffending rates of 59% within two years.[citation needed] The number of women in prison has risen disproportionately - from 1,800 in 1994 to 4,500 in 2004. 40% of women going to prison have previously attempted suicide.[5]


In January 2008 it emerged that over 16,000 prisoners had been released early over the previous 7 months in an attempt to free up prison places.[6]


So tell us why you haven't included or started on these.

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Because you're initialy targeting the wrong group of people, prisoners, illegal immigrants and false asylum seekers should be at the top of the list.


MrSmith is a Daily Mail reader, he therefore thinks all benefit claimants are scum cos according to him they're "leaching his taxes"! :loopy:

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The biggest incentive not to work are the income tax loopholes enjoyed by those on high incomes which cost this country £Billions each year in offshore tax havens.


How come its always those at the bottom through little or no fault of their own who're picked on.


How does a millionaire that probably employs lots of people and arranges their tax affair to be efficient, become a disincentive to work.

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I'm not targeting anyone, the topic is about "Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work." and not about prisoners and illegal immigrants.


yes the topic is:-

"Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work."


So why aren't you targeting prisoners, false asylum seekers and illegal immigrants?

Why should people want to work knowing that their taxes are thrown away on worthless sections of our society.

Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.

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How does a millionaire that probably employs lots of people and arranges their tax affair to be efficient, become a disincentive to work.

Because the employees have to pay income whereas he can employ an accountant to use to tax loopholes to avoid him paying tax.

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Because you're initialy targeting the wrong group of people, prisoners, illegal immigrants and false asylum seekers should be at the top of the list.


Most Illegal immigrants and false asylum seekers wants to work but the system doesnt allow them to,

its the lazy Brits that needs a good kicking up their back side

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