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Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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You probably have a point, we should get this lot picking up litter instead.


22 Feb 2012

25 per cent of all 21-year-olds who left university with a degree are unemployed.


Given the relatively complex nature of modern litter collection technology and the attendant risks to the public in the hands of an unskilled operator I'd be somewhat concerned if we unleashed hordes of drama studies "graduates" onto the streets armed with them.


We know thanks to new labours obsession with social mobility regardless of ability a lot of people have gained worthless "degrees" not worthy of the name. Now surprise surprise they have the expectation that as a "graduate" they will get a graduate caliber job when that's not the case as the stats show.

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It’s about producing them ethically and in environmentally friendly way, which also benefits the UK; it’s about giving the unemployed something to do. Buying cheap panels made using dirty energy doesn't really benefit anyone other than the fit companies. There would also be very few additional employment costs and no profits. It would be a very sad state of affairs if we couldn’t compete on price but price isn’t the only consideration.


I'm all for infrastructure spend but I just can't see this government setting up state-run solar cell manufacturing plants. Even a Labour government wouldn't do it.

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Given the relatively complex nature of modern litter collection technology and the attendant risks to the public in the hands of an unskilled operator I'd be somewhat concerned if we unleashed hordes of drama studies "graduates" onto the streets armed with them.


We know thanks to new labours obsession with social mobility regardless of ability a lot of people have gained worthless "degrees" not worthy of the name. Now surprise surprise they have the expectation that as a "graduate" they will get a graduate caliber job when that's not the case as the stats show.


It didn’t occur to me that they had all done drama and basket waiving degrees, so yes you are probably right again, we will just have to tolerate mass unemployment I guess, unless we can find them all some non jobs in the public sector. They must be capable of shuffling a pen and twiddling their thumbs. :rolleyes:

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I'm all for infrastructure spend but I just can't see this government setting up state-run solar cell manufacturing plants. Even a Labour government wouldn't do it.


Neither can I which is a real pity.

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It didn’t occur to me that they had all done drama and basket waiving degrees, so yes you are probably right again, we will just have to tolerate mass unemployment I guess, unless we can find them all some non jobs in the public sector. They must be capable of shuffling a pen and twiddling their thumbs. :rolleyes:


We could, or we could just withdraw from the freedom of movement clauses of the EU. The idea that mass unemployement and mass immigration are unconnected is plainly ridiculous. Remove the EU free for all immigration, add genuine punative sanctions to anyone refusing a job at minimum wage, unemployment will fall significantly.

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We could, or we could just withdraw from the freedom of movement clauses of the EU. The idea that mass unemployement and mass immigration are unconnected is plainly ridiculous. Remove the EU free for all immigration, add genuine punative sanctions to anyone refusing a job at minimum wage, unemployment will fall significantly.


Sounds like my plan, but less complicated. :)

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Neither can I which is a real pity.


To get solar going again the DECC needs to sort out the confusion over feed-in tariffs and establish a long term policy.


Germany installed 3GW of solar generating capacity in December last year, almost 8GW over the course of 2011.


My maths could be wrong but that is the equivalent of 6-7 modern nuclear plants at full capacity.


Germany has solar generating capacity of 22GW, or approx 20 nuclear power stations. On the weekend just gone they set a new record, supplying 50% of Germany's mid-day electricity needs through solar.


It shows what is possible. The thing is in the UK there's no point if the government is trying to deliberately kill off the industry.

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To get solar going again the DECC needs to sort out the confusion over feed-in tariffs and establish a long term policy.


Germany installed 3GW of solar generating capacity in December last year, almost 8GW over the course of 2011.


My maths could be wrong but that is the equivalent of 6-7 modern nuclear plants at full capacity.


Germany has solar generating capacity of 22GW, or approx 20 nuclear power stations. On the weekend just gone they set a new record, supplying 50% of Germany's mid-day electricity needs through solar.


It shows what is possible. The thing is in the UK there's no point if the government is trying to deliberately kill off the industry.


And 75% of the panels came from china although Germany are taking on China and want the EU to stop using Chinese panels.


US slaps new tariffs on Chinese solar panels

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