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Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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But what if you are FORCED to work for OTHERS, and denied the ability to work for yourself. Are you not a slave?


Nobody is being forced to work for anyone though, the closest they're getting is that they have to work if they want money. Which happens to apply to everyone who is employed or self employed. It even happens to people who work their own land and then sell the produce.

Nobody is just given money, it isn't slavery that you have to work to live, it's life.

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What if they refuse to work?


Much like if I refuse to work, or if anyone else refuses to work. We don't get paid.


You seem to think that you are owed a living by the universe, that it should keep you without you having to put any effort it. Even that you should be given a large plot of land where you can presumably rant at the universe for forcing you to work on the land if you want it to produce anything.


I've no idea where you sense of entitlement comes from though, it's completely unwarranted, you are not owed an easy life, or any life at all, if you want one then you have to work for it.

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Nothing to do with working for your benefits is it.


Nobody is claiming that illegal slavery doesn't exist in the UK, the argument is about whether having to work to receive benefits payment is slavery or not.

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Nothing to do with working for your benefits is it.


Nobody is claiming that illegal slavery doesn't exist in the UK, the argument is about whether having to work to receive benefits payment is slavery or not.


There are loads of people claiming their work for benefits is pure extortion.


Why don't you come work for free for me to keep your benefits. Got a few jobs to do.

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Cyclone you have to see this one. It may be about america but it applies to all wealthy western society's.


Everyone is a slave


The banks make you a slave.

The government makes you a slave.

Voting is a lie. It does not give you any freedom.


When people live in freedom they don't vote and don't worry about money either.

In freedom your work becomes a joy and pleasant activity.

Money is only a silly need of greedy society to keep you unhappy and enslaved but you only need to see it to stop believing in it.

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Nobody is being forced to work for anyone though, the closest they're getting is that they have to work if they want money. Which happens to apply to everyone who is employed or self employed.
They are forced to work for others via the land.


It even happens to people who work their own land and then sell the produce.
Very few people are in this position, but yes that is true. And in thee cases, it is fair.


But we have many unemployed without land, forced to work for landowners.


Nobody is just given money, it isn't slavery that you have to work to live, it's life.


CAP payments?


Landowners extracting rent, you know, the land monopolists...


by George Orwell


Apropos of my remarks on the railings round London squares, a correspondent writes: 'Are the squares to which you refer public or private properties? If private, I suggest that your comments in plain language advocate nothing less than theft and should be classed as such'.

If giving the land of England back to the people of England is theft, I am quite happy to call it theft. In his zeal to defend private property, my correspondant does not stop to consider how the so-called owners of the land got hold of it. They simply seized it by force, afterwards hiring lawyers to provide them with title-deeds. In the case of the enclosure of the common lands, which was going on from about 1600 to 1850, the land-grabbers did not even have the excuse of being foreign conquerors; they were quite frankly taking the heritage of their own countrymen, upon no sort of pretext except that they had the power to do so.


Except for the few surviving commons, the high roads, the lands of the National Trust, and the sea shore below the high-tide mark, every square inch of England is 'owned' by a few thousand families. These people are just about as useful as so many tapeworms. It is desirable that people should own their own dwelling houses, and it is probably desirable that a farmer should own as much land as he can actually farm. But the ground-landlord in a town area has no function and no excuse for existance. He is merely a person who has found a way of milking the public while giving nothing in return. He causes rents to be higher, he makes town planning more difficult, and he excludes children from green spaces: that is literally all that he does, except to draw his income.


The removal of the railings in the squares was a first step against him. It was a very small step, and yet an appreciable one, as the present move to restore the railings shows. For three years or so the squares lay open, and their sacred turf was trodden on by the feet of working-class children, a sight to make dividend-drawers gnash their false teeth. If that is theft, all I can say is, so much the better for theft.

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Nothing to do with working for your benefits is it.


Nobody is claiming that illegal slavery doesn't exist in the UK, the argument is about whether having to work to receive benefits payment is slavery or not.


You mean to say both illegal and 'legal slavery' exist in the UK./


But it is baffling as to how slavery can be legal in the first place. Not under common law surely?


Note, the commons were stolen from the commoners over the period 1600-1850 and forced to become 'wage slaves'. Afforded less rights than chattel slaves! And the law is set from the top down, not the bottom up.


Most of our laws are worthless. And should be ignored. We don't live in a society, it is a prison.

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Nothing to do with working for your benefits is it.


Nobody is claiming that illegal slavery doesn't exist in the UK, the argument is about whether having to work to receive benefits payment is slavery or not.

yes its slave labour :hihi:
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