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Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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They could always try working, save some money, buy their own 4 acres (agricultural land isn't very expensive), and then try to undercut him. That's how capitalism works.


It is not supposed to work like that. Land monopoly should not be allowed to exist.


"The necessaries of life occasion the great expense of the poor. They find it difficult to get food, and the greater part of their little revenue is spent in getting it. The luxuries and vanities of life occasion the principal expense of the rich, and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the best advantage all the other luxuries and vanities which they possess. A tax upon house-rents, therefore, would in general fall heaviest upon the rich; and in this sort of inequality there would not, perhaps, be anything very unreasonable. It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion."


All men should have the right to grow food upon the common land, and for their own personal benefit. No man should be legally allowed to extract a rent from them/

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They are forced to work for others via the land.


Very few people are in this position, but yes that is true. And in thee cases, it is fair.


But we have many unemployed without land, forced to work for landowners.



CAP payments?


Landowners extracting rent, you know, the land monopolists...


The unemployed aren’t slaves and aren’t forced to work for land owners, it’s the land owners and workers that have to pay tax so these people can do nothing.

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A lot of people are miserable because they think they are working to pay someone elses benefits.

Why don't they give up their jobs and reverse the situation so they are on benefits with the others working for it?


I have no respect for whining workers crying they are paying benefits when they are not prepared to give up their job to give it to an unemployed person looking for work.

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The unemployed aren’t slaves and aren’t forced to work for land owners, it’s the land owners and workers that have to pay tax so these people can do nothing.

And what about all the false asylum seekers, false reugees, illegal immigrants.

In 2009 10,000 failed asylum seekers were costing this countrys tax payers £73,000,000 per year.


Or this

A family of former asylum-seekers from Somalia are living in a £2.1million luxury townhouse in one of Britain's most exclusive addresses at a cost to taxpayers of £8,000 a month.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1293730/Somali-asylum-seeker-family-given-2m-house--complaining-5-bed-London-home-poor-area.html#ixzz1wj2be4MI


And you wonder why the topic is entitled:-Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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You talk about false asylum/refugee seekers and illegal immigrants and then try to prove your point by posting a story about genuine asylum seekers?


Pretty obviously false asylum seekers are told to leave the country, if they don't they are detained and removed, false refugee's are the same class of people and illegal immigrants by definition can't be claiming anything because they're here illegally.


I'm really not sure that you've thought through you illegal immigrant rant.

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A lot of people are miserable because they think they are working to pay someone elses benefits.

Why don't they give up their jobs and reverse the situation so they are on benefits with the others working for it?


I have no respect for whining workers crying they are paying benefits when they are not prepared to give up their job to give it to an unemployed person looking for work.


The solution isn't to expect the worker to quit, it's to solve the problem of paying the work shy to stay at home.

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They are forced to work for others via the land.

No they aren't, nobody is being forced.


Very few people are in this position, but yes that is true. And in thee cases, it is fair.


But we have many unemployed without land, forced to work for landowners.

No, nobody is forced to work.




CAP payments?

Yep, this needs reforming, it no longer serves its purpose.


Landowners extracting rent, you know, the land monopolists...

Nothing wrong with making money from an investment.

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There are loads of people claiming their work for benefits is pure extortion.

Claiming it doesn't make it true.


Why don't you come work for free for me to keep your benefits. Got a few jobs to do.


I don't get any benefits, so that wouldn't work. I work for myself, if you want to pay my day rate I'll come and do your jobs.

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You mean to say both illegal and 'legal slavery' exist in the UK./

No, I mean to say that legal slavery doesn't exist.


But it is baffling as to how slavery can be legal in the first place. Not under common law surely?

It isn't.


Note, the commons were stolen from the commoners over the period 1600-1850 and forced to become 'wage slaves'. Afforded less rights than chattel slaves! And the law is set from the top down, not the bottom up.


Most of our laws are worthless. And should be ignored. We don't live in a society, it is a prison.


The basis of your claim seems to be that you think you shouldn't have to work for a living and would like someone to give you something (everything) for nothing.

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