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Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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And what about all the false asylum seekers, false reugees, illegal immigrants.

In 2009 10,000 failed asylum seekers were costing this countrys tax payers £73,000,000 per year.


Or this

A family of former asylum-seekers from Somalia are living in a £2.1million luxury townhouse in one of Britain's most exclusive addresses at a cost to taxpayers of £8,000 a month.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz1wj2be4MI


And you wonder why the topic is entitled:-Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.


Of course the supposed scandal in that story is that they are living in their rented house which is "worth" 2 million... Oh FGS, it's in London, and the landlord is charging 2 grand a week for something that would be worth about 200/ 250k to buy and about £250 a week for rental here in Sheffield.


I'm not sure why the Daily Fail (as ever) is not making much of the landlord screwing folk out of that sort of daft money for renting a property. I don't know the landlord's nationality, but is it perhaps because he isn't a foreigner?


As he was previously (before illness) legitimately employed on the buses, the father of the family the Mail are directing their Faux- outrage at, may have originated from Somalia, but he obviously had legitimate leave to remain as non- legitimate immigrants don't have the legal right to take jobs, nor would hey be entitled to be housed.

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You talk about false asylum/refugee seekers and illegal immigrants and then try to prove your point by posting a story about genuine asylum seekers?


Pretty obviously false asylum seekers are told to leave the country, if they don't they are detained and removed, false refugee's are the same class of people and illegal immigrants by definition can't be claiming anything because they're here illegally.


I'm really not sure that you've thought through you illegal immigrant rant.

And what about all the false asylum seekers, false reugees, illegal immigrants.

In 2009 10,000 failed asylum seekers were costing this countrys tax payers £73,000,000 per year.


Most asylum seekers/refugees are false! I've yet to hear of a case where anyone from the UKs surrounding countries have applied for refugee status/asylum

Most so-called asylum seekers/refugees have travelled thousands of miles to get to the UK therefore they are here illegaly and falsely.

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Of course the supposed scandal in that story is that they are living in their rented house which is "worth" 2 million... Oh FGS, it's in London, and the landlord is charging 2 grand a week for something that would be worth about 200/ 250k to buy and about £250 a week for rental here in Sheffield.


I'm not sure why the Daily Fail (as ever) is not making much of the landlord screwing folk out of that sort of daft money for renting a property. I don't know the landlord's nationality, but is it perhaps because he isn't a foreigner?


As he was previously (before illness) legitimately employed on the buses, the father of the family the Mail are directing their Faux- outrage at, may have originated from Somalia, but he obviously had legitimate leave to remain as non- legitimate immigrants don't have the legal right to take jobs, nor would hey be entitled to be housed.


Utter rubbish, he was a false asylum seeker, he should have gone to the nearest safe country not the country that is the easiest soft touch if you're none British!

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Of course the supposed scandal in that story is that they are living in their rented house which is "worth" 2 million... Oh FGS, it's in London, and the landlord is charging 2 grand a week for something that would be worth about 200/ 250k to buy and about £250 a week for rental here in Sheffield.


I'm not sure why the Daily Fail (as ever) is not making much of the landlord screwing folk out of that sort of daft money for renting a property. I don't know the landlord's nationality, but is it perhaps because he isn't a foreigner?


As he was previously (before illness) legitimately employed on the buses, the father of the family the Mail are directing their Faux- outrage at, may have originated from Somalia, but he obviously had legitimate leave to remain as non- legitimate immigrants don't have the legal right to take jobs, nor would hey be entitled to be housed.


You missed this bit

And what about all the false asylum seekers, false reugees, illegal immigrants.

In 2009 10,000 failed asylum seekers were costing this countrys tax payers £73,000,000 per year.


And you wonder why the topic is entitled Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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The solution isn't to expect the worker to quit, it's to solve the problem of paying the work shy to stay at home.


If we stop 'paying people to stay at home' and then there is no work for people to go to, or the work they are obliged to do is meaningless and humiliating then what do you expect the outcome will be?


Do you think society will become less stable or more stable?


Don't get me wrong because I'm not advocating a system where people are paid money to be economically inactive and prevent society destabilising but there is an absolute and fundamental mismatch between the amount of people that need work and the amount of meaningful & productive work there is for people to do.

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If we stop 'paying people to stay at home' and then there is no work for people to go to, or the work they are obliged to do is meaningless and humiliating then what do you expect the outcome will be?


Do you think society will become less stable or more stable?


Don't get me wrong because I'm not advocating a system where people are paid money to be economically inactive and prevent society destabilising but there is an absolute and fundamental mismatch between the amount of people that need work and the amount of meaningful & productive work there is for people to do.


That’s reasonably easy to solve, we have machines operated by one man driving rounds our streets polluting the atmosphere just to sweep the roads, at the same time we pay thousands of people to do nothing at all. Get rid of the machine and pay people to sweep the streets instead of paying them to do nothing. Same for grass cutting and weed spraying, there’s plenty of work for people to do to help them out whilst they find a more permanent job.

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And what about all the false asylum seekers, false reugees, illegal immigrants.

In 2009 10,000 failed asylum seekers were costing this countrys tax payers £73,000,000 per year.


Most asylum seekers/refugees are false! I've yet to hear of a case where anyone from the UKs surrounding countries have applied for refugee status/asylum

Most so-called asylum seekers/refugees have travelled thousands of miles to get to the UK therefore they are here illegaly and falsely.


That's a pretty pointless argument you have. People want to come here for whatever reason and will always risk limb from limb to do so. People are even prepared to cross the channel on airbeds or even swim; they just don't simply walk through the chunnel or climb into the back of lorries. Once here they don't tend to claim asylum until they are caught but generally go undergo in their ethnic communities working in the family business for peanuts or find dodgy employment elsewhere. The truth is the Home Office/UKBA are massively understaffed and underfunded and that's even without the proposed 33% staffing cuts. What do you suggest, that the UK public should stop and interrogate everyone they find suspicious?

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That’s reasonably easy to solve, we have machines operated by one man driving rounds our streets polluting the atmosphere just to sweep the roads, at the same time we pay thousands of people to do nothing at all. Get rid of the machine and pay people to sweep the streets instead of paying them to do nothing. Same for grass cutting and weed spraying, there’s plenty of work for people to do to help them out whilst they find a more permanent job.


That's your solution? So you replace a small number of machines with hundreds of thousands of workers? Who does the admin that controls the hundreds of thousands of workers? Who insures them? Who tracks their activity? How is health and safety ensured? Who supervises them? How are they transported? Who pays for the transport? Who buys all the new equipment? Who maintains the equipment? How much does all this cost?


If you said we invest in infrastructure and start training unemployed people to be the next generation of network engineers, power grid engineers, construction specialists etc... then I would agree. But ploughing all that money into inefficiently maintaining streets is a waste. And of course if we invest in infrastructure that leads to solid economic growth then we can have as many efficient mechanised street sweepers as we need.

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Utter rubbish, he was a false asylum seeker, he should have gone to the nearest safe country not the country that is the easiest soft touch if you're none British!


Your comments are extremely offensive, and you defame this chap:- nowhere in that article does it state he is illegal. he had legitimate employment which is only possible with leave to remain.


Theories shot out of the water, much?

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Your comments are extremely offensive, and you defame this chap:- nowhere in that article does it state he is illegal. he had legitimate employment which is only possible with leave to remain.


Theories shot out of the water, much?


Never let the truth get in the way of ill-informed, mouth frothing, rants! ;)

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