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Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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Taxes are paying for a machine and driver to sweep the streets and they don’t do it very often so the streets usually look a mess for months between sweeps.

Taxes are also paying for thousands of people to do nothing; it makes economic sense for the people that are paid to do nothing to sweep the streets and to stop using the machine.

Thousands of jobs are filled by foreign workers each years, jobs that our unemployed apparently won’t do because they are menial and don’t pay much more than they get on benefits, having to work for benefits will give them the incentive to take the jobs that are available so will reduce the benefits bill.


Government spend on benefits will drop, unemployment will drop, the country will look much nicer, immigration will fall as our unemployed take the jobs, housing will become more affordable and the strain on the public sector will decrease with less immigration.


Good point well made.

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You keep going on about infrastructure without giving details what we should build or how many people would be employed building it, what training do you want to give to the unemployed and how will you make them do the training. Where are all the jobs going to come from that they will be training for? Unfortunately many of the jobs that are available are low paid manual work and the unemployed don’t appear to have the incentive to take this kind of work,how will you encourage them to take the low paid manual work that is available?


The jobs would come from infrastructure projects themselves. And the resulting infrastructure would make Britian a better and more efficient place to do business, make it eaiser for all companies to operate and new ones to start. Take your pick: transport (road, rail, ports, air), communications, power & utilities infrastructure, eduction facilities, health infrastructure, renewables, R&D facilities etc... Whatever we need to spend money on to compete in what is going to be an extremely challenging next couple of decades as every other country competes for a slice of the global economy.


Your alternative is to have an army of people cutting the grass and picking litter, while we continue on an austerity drive that will put this country in the gutter. Still they'd be clean gutters wouldn't they ;)

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Taxes are paying for a machine and driver to sweep the streets and they don’t do it very often so the streets usually look a mess for months between sweeps.

Taxes are also paying for thousands of people to do nothing; it makes economic sense for the people that are paid to do nothing to sweep the streets and to stop using the machine.

Thousands of jobs are filled by foreign workers each years, jobs that our unemployed apparently won’t do because they are menial and don’t pay much more than they get on benefits, having to work for benefits will give them the incentive to take the jobs that are available so will reduce the benefits bill.


Government spend on benefits will drop, unemployment will drop, the country will look much nicer, immigration will fall as our unemployed take the jobs, housing will become more affordable and the strain on the public sector will decrease with less immigration.


Lets say lad on dole gets 12 times the minimum wage in JSA (£72.96). OR 9 times (£53.94).


After he works for his dole, he then finds 5 hours of part time work and earns £30.40.


Does he get to keep the £30.40? Or does he lose £30.40 (-£5 income disregard - travel is £5 - so he no better off) of his dole...


Does he have to work 5 hours less for his dole, now it is lower?


Supposing we make him sweep the streets for his dole.

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The jobs would come from infrastructure projects themselves. And the resulting infrastructure would make Britian a better and more efficient place to do business, make it eaiser for all companies to operate and new ones to start. Take your pick: transport (road, rail, ports, air), communications, power & utilities infrastructure, eduction facilities, health infrastructure, renewables, R&D facilities etc... Whatever we need to spend money on to compete in what is going to be an extremely challenging next couple of decades as every other country competes for a slice of the global economy.


Your alternative is to have an army of people cutting the grass and picking litter, while we continue on an austerity drive that will put this country in the gutter. Still they'd be clean gutters wouldn't they ;)


Its seams your plan is to spend billions we don't have to build things we don't need, much of which will required skills that our unemployed don't have so we will just employ foreign workers to do it. The population will increase, unemployment will stay the same and when everything is built we are back to square one, but with even bigger debts.

You don't seem to grasp the fact that once a benefits claimant as to work for their benefits they will suddenly have a massive incentive to take the jobs that for now are being filled by immigration.


Once the unemployed start taking the jobs on offer, the benefits bill will drop leaving more funds to pay for infrastructure.

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Its seams your plan is to spend billions we don't have to build things we don't need, much of which will required skills that our unemployed don't have so we will just employ foreign workers to do it. The population will increase, unemployment will stay the same and when everything is built we are back to square one, but with even bigger debts.

You don't seem to grasp the fact that once a benefits claimant as to work for their benefits they will suddenly have a massive incentive to take the jobs that for now are being filled by immigration.


Once the unemployed start taking the jobs on offer, the benefits bill will drop leaving more funds to pay for infrastructure.


Yes the plan is to spend on infrastructure. On new and upgraded infrastructure that we most definitely need. Absolutely that should be the plan. If we have to borrow so be it - we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to lock in borrowing for this at very low interest rates. Governments always borrow for this. It's not a new way of doing things.


By the way we're spending billions we don't have on austerity.

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I already did on a different topic about prisons and making prisoners work, but it isn’t about picking on anyone, it’s about getting people to take some responsibility for themselves and creating enough work for everyone, even if it means some have to pick up litter.

You seem to be contradicting yourself here, you want to make law abiding citizens go out and do low prospect unmeanigful work whilst the obvious people for the jobs are sitting on their backsides, in prisons, at our expense.

It costs nearly £4 billion pounds per year (£983 per week each) to keep our 85k prisoners in UK prisons.

And you wonder why the topic is Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work. How many of our own (not false asylum seekers, bogus refugees illegal immigrants) unempolyed/pensioners get £983 pw.

As I said earlier on top of this we have In 2009 10,000 failed asylum seekers were costing this countrys tax payers £73,000,000 per year.

for doing nothing.


Wake up smell the coffee.

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You don't seem to grasp the fact that once a benefits claimant as to work for their benefits they will suddenly have a massive incentive to take the jobs that for now are being filled by immigration.

You don't seem to grasp the fact that if prisoners and all the bogus asylumseekers/bogus refugees/illegal immigrants were made to earn their keep the money saved could go on vocational schemes to teach our own unemployed a worthwhile trade.

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You don't seem to grasp the fact that if prisoners and all the bogus asylumseekers/bogus refugees/illegal immigrants were made to earn their keep the money saved could go on vocational schemes to teach our own unemployed a worthwhile trade.


Many prisoners are in prison for good reason and it would be unsafe to allow many of them the freedom to work in out towns and villages, they can however work in prison, and a few could be used do some work under the supervision of prison staff, possible farm work. Prison costs should be reduced substantially by decreasing the time people spend in prison and at the same time making it a less pleasant experience. Hard work to fill their time as opposed to TV and computers.


I don’t wonder why the topic has the title it has, because I gave it the title. Bogus asylum seekers/bogus refugees/illegal immigrants should all be sent home and not employed.

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Yes the plan is to spend on infrastructure. On new and upgraded infrastructure that we most definitely need. Absolutely that should be the plan. If we have to borrow so be it - we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to lock in borrowing for this at very low interest rates. Governments always borrow for this. It's not a new way of doing things.


By the way we're spending billions we don't have on austerity.


You still haven't pointed out how many people would be employed building the things you think we need or what happens when we finish building these things, how you will ensure that only British firms and British people will build them.


Borrowing more than we could afford got us in the mess and now you want to borrow more, and when that is spent you will borrow more, and then more. Building the economy on debt is a bad idea and will inevitably result in a deeper recession in the future.


I know we are spending billions we don't have, which is why I think we should be using the human resource we already pay for and encourage them to take the available jobs. When they start taking the jobs that are available, unemployment will drop, the population will drop, housing will become more affordable, and the strain on the public sector will decrease.

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