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Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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It does, and it is carried out via the land, and you will no doubt spend more than 40 minutes arguing to the contrary when you could quite easily educate yourself in that time by watching a video I linked to on here.

You'll notice that they 40 minutes spent arguing isn't a single 40 minute block.




Quite frankly that is ********s.


People are denied the ability to work for themselves.

No they aren't. You just claim that so that you don't feel obliged to go out and work. Get a bike, start a courier business, tell me what land you need that you can't use to do it.

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All this talk about getting money for free.


A human being=economic productivity???????


When you reach that state of mind you are dead already. Your live has degraded to the lowest form of mental daydreaming and you live like a a robot working to be economicaly productive.

Work should be fun, joyfull and a great way to get things done. Then the fullfilment and feelings of satisfaction are greater than any economical payment possible. Money cannot buy that kind of reward that a great day at work can give you.


All misserable workers should be sacked immediately and those jobs be given to people that appreciate them, they don't care what is done with the taxes, they had a great day, who cares what other idiots do with your money.


Carry on being sad, upset, depressed, and mis all the beautifull things that live has to offer.

Young people may be less stupid than you are. they don't want to waste their lives like you did. They want to work but not the way you are doing it.

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Suppose you use your land well, you can pay the rent, so it isn't taken away.


Suppose there is a plot of land, 1 acre. You can use it better than me, and make more money from it, by growing more potatoes than I could. you can bid higher, you take the land, you use it, and you pay the tax.


There is another plot of land nearby, not as good quality, 1 acre. I can then bid for that, and use that and pay the tax, and people can buy my tatoes. You'd be better off than me, because you are the better tato grower.


Somebody somewhere is useless at growing tatos, so they don't bother doing it. But they can buy tatoes, because the new land system produces more potatoes, and he gets citizens income from the rent upon the land.


How about if the most successful potato growers start renting more land and employing people to grow potatoes on them?

And since the potato problem is solved (not that there is a potato problem, it makes more sense in reality to get a job and buy a potato with the income from that) what do we do about somewhere to live? We can't own land now, or by extension property...

How about if I make the government a good offer on some land, instead of rent I'll pay 100 times the annual rent to buy it, or a 1000 times... It would be foolish to turn that offer down, but once I've bought it we're back where we are now.

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The jobs would come from infrastructure projects themselves. And the resulting infrastructure would make Britian a better and more efficient place to do business, make it eaiser for all companies to operate and new ones to start. Take your pick: transport (road, rail, ports, air), communications, power & utilities infrastructure, eduction facilities, health infrastructure, renewables, R&D facilities etc... Whatever we need to spend money on to compete in what is going to be an extremely challenging next couple of decades as every other country competes for a slice of the global economy.


Your alternative is to have an army of people cutting the grass and picking litter, while we continue on an austerity drive that will put this country in the gutter. Still they'd be clean gutters wouldn't they ;)

Where is this money to come from?

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You don't seem to grasp the fact that if prisoners and all the bogus asylumseekers/bogus refugees/illegal immigrants were made to earn their keep the money saved could go on vocational schemes to teach our own unemployed a worthwhile trade.


Asylum seekers aren't allowed to work by law until their application for asylum is decided. Refugees are the same group. There numbers are incredibly small.

Illegal immigrants are almost always illegally working here, we don't want them to work though, we want them to leave. This includes failed asylum seekers who should have left.

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All this talk about getting money for free.


A human being=economic productivity???????


When you reach that state of mind you are dead already. Your live has degraded to the lowest form of mental daydreaming and you live like a a robot working to be economicaly productive.

Work should be fun, joyfull and a great way to get things done. Then the fullfilment and feelings of satisfaction are greater than any economical payment possible. Money cannot buy that kind of reward that a great day at work can give you.


All misserable workers should be sacked immediately and those jobs be given to people that appreciate them, they don't care what is done with the taxes, they had a great day, who cares what other idiots do with your money.


Carry on being sad, upset, depressed, and mis all the beautifull things that live has to offer.

Young people may be less stupid than you are. they don't want to waste their lives like you did. They want to work but not the way you are doing it.


I'm surprised you're not starving on the street, most work isn't fun, that's why it's called work. It has to be done to continue living though, life requires some work to provide food, shelter, the computer you're using and the ISP connection.

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People that don't work may be far more happy in live than most people working in this society wil ever be!


When you work in this society the pressure and expectations to perform, compete, fight for promotion. Lie to others and be dishonest to colleagues to get that little bit more and further than they do, then feel proud you got more than them and sellibrate you are the best with more pay and more respect.


These people are idiots that waste their entire live, ruining every moment working fighting struggling, for absolutely nothing!


Someone not working is far further ahead and advanced. At least they have stopped ruining their lives and make an efford to have a little more fun living it.


I love my work and know that end of day you can have a good time at work as well. Better than doing nothing but doing nothing is better than not enjoying yourself at work.


There are some right idiots on this forum talking about work as if it should be something horrible and a nightmare. Talking like people should be forced to do it and that they should hate every minute of it.

Pain pain, suffering for a few penny's. Ruin your live, as much as possible to survive.


Stop right now. Or carry on it is not my problem, I know why nobody wil ever work for you.

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People that don't work may be far more happy in live than most people working in this society wil ever be!



Someone not working is far further ahead and advanced. At least they have stopped ruining their lives and make an efford to have a little more fun living it.



There are some right idiots on this forum talking about work as if it should be something horrible and a nightmare. Talking like people should be forced to do it and that they should hate every minute of it.

Pain pain, suffering for a few penny's. Ruin your live, as much as possible to survive.


Stop right now. Or carry on it is not my problem, I know why nobody wil ever work for you.


No one should be forced to work and no one as suggested anyone should be forced to work, working should always be a choice, but one shouldn't expect a worker to support them if they choose not to work, and the worker shouldn't be forced to pay for them to enjoy a life without work.

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You still haven't pointed out how many people would be employed building the things you think we need or what happens when we finish building these things, how you will ensure that only British firms and British people will build them.


Borrowing more than we could afford got us in the mess and now you want to borrow more, and when that is spent you will borrow more, and then more. Building the economy on debt is a bad idea and will inevitably result in a deeper recession in the future.


I know we are spending billions we don't have, which is why I think we should be using the human resource we already pay for and encourage them to take the available jobs. When they start taking the jobs that are available, unemployment will drop, the population will drop, housing will become more affordable, and the strain on the public sector will decrease.


The levels of employment depend on the number of projects. Yes some of the projects would be 'build once' (e.g. solar ;)) but then there are ongoing infrastructure maintenance roles. If the original projects are done right they should promote ongoing economic growth. This is very, very basic economics.


As for borrowing, yes you have to borrow. Few governments have hundreds of billions sitting idle on the balance sheet waiting to be spent. If you want the massive infrastructure projects you have to attract investment to do them. Again this is very, very basic economics.


In this case borrowing in the right way for the right projects is the key.


If we followed your plan then 20 years down the line we'd have a spick and span country with high unemployment and crumbling infrastructure.

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