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Is there any wonder some of our young don’t want to work.

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will banks lend money out for people to get a mortgage on the amounts you say ? will council house rents come down ?:suspect:


Good question, on my suggestion the money that people take home with them would not be much different to what they take home now, so it may need the councils and mortgage lenders to re calibrate the way they work things out but in principle whats the problem?


All we have done is save money on benefits, drive down the cost of production and create jobs. Mortgage lenders and councils would need to adjust.


I realise it needs a lot of tweaking but in principle, as costs in the far east are climbing fast, whats wrong with the idea?

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Right, so heres what we do.

Tax the highearners at say, 95% for every pound above 150k, below that at 20%.

Then all that money is divied up among the lower paid at an equal rate.


We would still all be paying tax, and could still keep our services.


BTW have you seen all that nonsense today at Windsor Castle?

Who is paying for all that tripe?



You are still missing the point. We don't need to keep all our services. We don't need all those pointless jobs that achieve nothing but spend money. We don't need all those quangos finding ways to spend money on things we don't need. There is an enormous amount of fat still to be trimmed.


Gordon Brown created a system that taxes the young, the old, the unemployed and the disabled. To get wages down to competitive levels we have to stop taxing people with very little money. The lowest paid pay the biggest proportion of tax than anybody. Brown made sure of it in his attempts to woo the middle classes. His strategy was to tax the people, like you, who will vote Labour no matter what. He introduced the minimum wage ............... and taxed it. It was a guaranteed way to boost tax revenues. It was a stealth tax on business. Brown abolished the 10% tax rate and bumped up NI for everyone. Gordon Brown was no friend of Labour supporters.


The Lib Dems have the right idea by raising tax thresholds but they have to be raised a lot further than the £10,000 they aim for. But they will do it before the next election. Taxing the rich is futile. But then Labour have always been a lesson in futile class war gesture politics.

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You are still missing the point. We don't need to keep all our services. We don't need all those pointless jobs that achieve nothing but spend money. We don't need all those quangos finding ways to spend money on things we don't need. There is an enormous amount of fat still to be trimmed.


The Civil Service is struggling to meet the evergrowing requests of ministers as it is, even without the forthcoming job cuts. The tories have always seen the Civil Service as Public Enemy Number 1 and run them into the ground at any costs, so much so the country can't function, which is why they always get kicked out.


The private sector will be reluctant to bid for the services because they need profit to survive and creating profit is not what the Civil Service is about - They are there for a reason, not to make profit. Besides, there are plenty of examples where the private sector have tried to run public services and messed it all up and the state has had to come back in and clear all the mess costing the state more than what it normally would. Do you really want, unfeasible waiting times, expensive services and shoddy work? If so, vote Conservative.

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Good question, on my suggestion the money that people take home with them would not be much different to what they take home now, so it may need the councils and mortgage lenders to re calibrate the way they work things out but in principle whats the problem?


All we have done is save money on benefits, drive down the cost of production and create jobs. Mortgage lenders and councils would need to adjust.


I realise it needs a lot of tweaking but in principle, as costs in the far east are climbing fast, whats wrong with the idea?

but will banks lend to people with no job security ie agency/temporary workers who could in fact work for years but not have job security ? would you take a pay cut to back your claims ?
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The Civil Service is struggling to meet the evergrowing requests of ministers as it is, even without the forthcoming job cuts. The tories have always seen the Civil Service as Public Enemy Number 1 and run them into the ground at any costs, so much so the country can't function, which is why they always get kicked out.


The private sector will be reluctant to bid for the services because they need profit to survive and creating profit is not what the Civil Service is about - They are there for a reason, not to make profit. Besides, there are plenty of examples where the private sector have tried to run public services and messed it all up and the state has had to come back in and clear all the mess costing the state more than what it normally would. Do you really want, unfeasible waiting times, expensive services and shoddy work? If so, vote Conservative.


The civil service make the rules. Ministers make the policy. Civil servants have made careers out of making everything as complicated and long winded as possible. HMRC being top guns at it. They deserve no sympathy if they are struggling under the weight of their own self serving stupidity.


As for expensive services and shoddy workmanship I've already given you a long list of public sector failings. That was just off the top off my head. There are thousands of other examples out there.


Give it up. The public sector is failing, failing, failing and it has been for years. No amount of money thrown at it will ever make it fit for purpose.

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but will banks lend to people with no job security ie agency/temporary workers who could in fact work for years but not have job security ? would you take a pay cut to back your claims ?


Why would the jobs be insecure? Why would they be agency jobs? Why do you personalise this? I have a job already.

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The civil service make the rules. Ministers make the policy. Civil servants have made careers out of making everything as complicated and long winded as possible. HMRC being top guns at it. They deserve no sympathy if they are struggling under the weight of their own self serving stupidity.


As for expensive services and shoddy workmanship I've already given you a long list of public sector failings. That was just off the top off my head. There are thousands of other examples out there.


Give it up. The public sector is failing, failing, failing and it has been for years. No amount of money thrown at it will ever make it fit for purpose.


Jim, you may as well talk to the wall, your protagonists have no concept of the relationship between business, profit, taxation and public spending. Never will have, just expect the "state" to pay. Not realising that the state only has the money we give it.

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Jim, you may as well talk to the wall, your protagonists have no concept of the relationship between business, profit, taxation and public spending. Never will have, just expect the "state" to pay. Not realising that the state only has the money we give it.


I get to same feeling about myself

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The Civil Service is struggling to meet the evergrowing requests of ministers as it is, even without the forthcoming job cuts. The tories have always seen the Civil Service as Public Enemy Number 1 and run them into the ground at any costs, so much so the country can't function, which is why they always get kicked out.


The private sector will be reluctant to bid for the services because they need profit to survive and creating profit is not what the Civil Service is about - They are there for a reason, not to make profit. Besides, there are plenty of examples where the private sector have tried to run public services and messed it all up and the state has had to come back in and clear all the mess costing the state more than what it normally would. Do you really want, unfeasible waiting times, expensive services and shoddy work? If so, vote Conservative.


The Tories usually get kicked out because they run out of ideas, not because they are cutting taxes through savings on the public sector.


The private sector will bid for work they can make money at. Here's how it works. It does involve some maths so take a deep breath, sit back and concentrate.



Public sector service costs £x and delivers y


Private Sector Company offers to do y for £x minus 20% (because public sector is hugely inefficient)


Net result = 20% saving to tax payer


Private Sector Company delivers y for £x minus 25%


Private Sector makes 5% profit


Result = Tax payers receive same service but pay 20% less. Private company makes 5% profit and tax payers receive same service.


It's not a hard concept to grasp.


Here's how Public Sector finance works now. Let's take the example of the World Stupid Games.


Games cost £140m


Council borrows £140m


Council runs facilities at a loss.


Council give facilities away


Council pays £510m interest on the £140m loan.


Everything the public sector touches costs at least 5 times what they estimate it at if it even works at all. Another example is the inner ring road extension. Council estimate £23m provided by government. Final cost £96m so council borrow the extra £73m.

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