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Juror fined £450 for smoking cannabis

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Bit of a silly thing to do especially if you're Asian next to court room, but poor bloke deserves a joint just for been on jury service never mind all the other carp he's had in hs life.


Maybe they shouldnt have expected too much from him in the first place.

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Is smoking cannabis an offence? I thought not and it's possession of cannabis that is the offence. For instance if you test positive for cannabis in your bloodstream you can't be charged for possession.


You're quite right. They can't charge you with having smoked cannabis - but if you are smoking the stuff, you still have some of it in your possession - the bit you haven't finished smoking yet.

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Poor bloke sacrifices his free time to serve on the jury,a nosy woman snitches and he faces a ridiculous fine.Would he have been fined if he was in the pub?

[a] Jury service isn't voluntary.


He was fined for being in contempt of court. Not really the sort of offence you can commit in a pub.


[c] In any case, smoking of any kind is illegal in pubs.


[d] You're clearly an idiot. No wonder you sympathise with this absolute doofus (smoking cannabis near a court :rolleyes:)

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What would have happened if the defendant's lawyers found out that a jury member had served whilst under the influence? That could be a collapsed case couldn't it? That woman a few months ago who went on Facebook to contact the defendant got a lot worse than £450. He's lucky.

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I find it hard to symapthise with the juror. I don't really mind that he fancied having a lunchtime spliff - but being so lazy as to smoke it right outside the court is just plain idle. He should have had a little walk.

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I find it hard to symapthise with the juror. I don't really mind that he fancied having a lunchtime spliff...


You might have done, if he was too stoned to work through the arguments properly and you got sent down for an assault you hadn't committed.


A drunk person would be tossed off a jury - a stoned person, ditto. (My wife would not be allowed to serve in the first place with the amount of morphine she takes... :hihi:)

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He'd be fined anywhere. Smoking cannabis is an offence.


Probably not as much - but the fine isn't for the fairly trivial offence of possession. He's been found in contempt.


It is usually a cautionable offence-you seem to delight in the punishment meted out.

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