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I thought lots of people needed work?

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How about if someone living in your community decides that they don't really want to work and would like you to provide all they need, and that holiday money, despite that.

Is that okay?


What do you mean by corruption? And how did you 'drop' it?


Nobody can be forced to be not corrupt, it happens. Corruption can only be dropped by an individual that has seen enough of it. Then corruption drops from that individual by itself like a dead leaf from a tree without effort.

Of coarse when you like corruption you can keep it, religion forces you to be religious but true freedom can only happen when you have the freedom to be corrupt. No need to learn history to see what corruption has done and stil does today.


Few people are born lazy. Every child is continiously playing, learning, active, with some sleep to rest. Then they go for it again.

Lazynes, not working comes when that child is forced to do things and does them under the threat of punishment.

School, then work or else, no respect, no money, you will be useles, good for nothing.

That mentality has created succers. Not the succers fault, they might love to do things if the felt more apreciated, less looked down upon.

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So instead of bartering you use magic to determine what rate of exchange to apply when exchanging goods of different types or services for goods?


No need to worry and no magic is needed.

The attitude of having and hoarding is too deeply integrated.

Do you ever give someone something or just ask for it if you need it?

People have given me things when I needed them or asked for it. No money involved, I don't owe them anything. I did them some favours as wel but no records were kept. No evaluation of how much the favour, given item is worth, we are friends.


I don't owe them they don't owe me we are there to help each other.


That gives a quality of live that money can't buy!

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Nobody can be forced to be not corrupt, it happens. Corruption can only be dropped by an individual that has seen enough of it. Then corruption drops from that individual by itself like a dead leaf from a tree without effort.

Of coarse when you like corruption you can keep it, religion forces you to be religious but true freedom can only happen when you have the freedom to be corrupt. No need to learn history to see what corruption has done and stil does today.

You've failed to explain what you mean by 'corruption'.


Few people are born lazy. Every child is continiously playing, learning, active, with some sleep to rest. Then they go for it again.

Lazynes, not working comes when that child is forced to do things and does them under the threat of punishment.

School, then work or else, no respect, no money, you will be useles, good for nothing.

That mentality has created succers. Not the succers fault, they might love to do things if the felt more apreciated, less looked down upon.

I'm not sure what you're trying to explain here...

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No need to worry and no magic is needed.

The attitude of having and hoarding is too deeply integrated.

Do you ever give someone something or just ask for it if you need it?

Sometimes, yes. But (for example) if I relied on charity for my survival and times were hard I'd probably end up starving. Nobody will give things away that they need, or indeed that they simply want to keep.

People have given me things when I needed them or asked for it. No money involved, I don't owe them anything. I did them some favours as wel but no records were kept. No evaluation of how much the favour, given item is worth, we are friends.


I don't owe them they don't owe me we are there to help each other.


That gives a quality of live that money can't buy!

It sounds terrible to be honest. I'm on a train to London right now, should I have just asked the train company to let me ride for free?

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I needed some new fish for aquarium. They reproduce fast and no need to go to the shops. I asked for them on forum and received them from a stranger that was gratefull to give them because they had too many.


Cyclone, we are getting off topic now and tonight ill be on an airplane. Had to pay for it if you wondered. Money has a purpose but it has gotten out of hand for many people and they start identifying with it. You are not your body/money, if a piece gets chopped off you wil be stil alive and present. Your body or money may be missing a piece and yes that may not be nice.

But the important thing is that you are still 100% present and alive even without a leg.

Go watch paraolympic if you question me over this.

Same with money you can live with it you live without it. Many people start living a live as if money is as important as the air you breathe. Money may help to sort material matters but is not a requirement as long as you are aware of that. If you are not aware of it you put money first and yourself second. You are worth much more than any amount of money.

Corruption happens when people make decissions based on gaining power, more, competitive. A battle begins to fight with life around using lies, deceipt, manipulation with your surrounding to get somewhere, gain something.

I don't believe corruption wil leave a human until they see the uselesnes of it themselfes.

It is impossible to make someone not corrupt, it is their freedom, but corrupt people interfere with other peoples freedom!


We are off topic and my bags are packed. If we want to continue on this line we have to start new topic or if you have question feel free to send pm

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You were given something that effectively has no value (based on how they reproduce rapidly and without any effort on the owners part).


I'm not sure why we're talking about our bodies now, but how about if your head is chopped off, will you still be alive but missing a head?


I completely agree that money is not the be all and end all of life, money doesn't even make you happy, but a lack of money will definitely contribute to unhappiness.


I disagree that the only way to gain something is by using lies and battling, you gained some fish without doing that...


I can wait for you to reply when you get to your destination, there's no rush.

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Would you employ him?


That has got to be the worst example of impartial journalism I have ever read, perhaps the star should sack that reporter and give 'the waster' the job, surely he couldn't be any worse - it did make me laugh though.

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