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I thought lots of people needed work?

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Presumably the OP does actually intend to tell them when they can do it though, even though he didn't state that.

My customers tell me when they want a Job doing, I am of cause allowed to turn the job down, but I can't dictate when I will do it, the same would apply with the hole digger.

I acknowledged in the answers I gave that they could hire someone else to help them.


How, when and where to do the work.


Dig a hole, of this size, in that spot there. The only thing that hasn't been specified is, using this spade. And the OP is probably going to supply the spade!

I want that bathroom suit, in that colour putting in that room, the plumber would be self employed. Self employed people don’t usually tell the customer what they can have; they usually do what the customer wants them to do.

How can they have several 'customers' at the same time, £50 to you to dig me a hole, you can't be digging a hole for someone else at the same time.

Clearly they can't usually work for different customers at the same time, but they can have many jobs waiting to be done, that’s how the self employed work. I do a job, finish it and then move on to the next customer.

The answer is far from clear, even with you trying to put a massive slant on the answers to suggest so.


It's very clear that they would be self employed and not employed by their customer.

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This is my point.


It's not bad pay for simple work. Weather is nice, yet the lack of replies amazes me.


I have had people work for me before. I needed a trench digging for a water pipe. One lad turned up, started then asked for more cash, then walked off as couldn't be bothered. Then some lad came to do a hedge. I said in the advert you must finish the job to get paid. He left at lunch time making some excuse and still expected to get paid.


The ones who worked the hardest were poles( ok I may be generalising) but they turned , did it, no fuss. Paid.

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You are joking?


It works out @ 7.14 per hour if they did 7 hours


Sorry but if you are unemployed and short of money you should be grateful for this


People expect to much these days for doing sod all



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I could be wrong with the £42, but if you go on the premise that after tax you pay about 20%, then 20% of £45 is about £9 stoppages. If this is correbt (my 2nd extimate) then someone working 7 hours a day for min wage will only come out with £36 (thats obscene)


I asked because a friend of mine on minimum wage says he comes home with less than £170 a week.

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My customers tell me when they want a Job doing, I am of cause allowed to turn the job down, but I can't dictate when I will do it, the same would apply with the hole digger.

I want that bathroom suit, in that colour putting in that room, the plumber would be self employed. Self employed people don’t usually tell the customer what they can have; they usually do what the customer wants them to do.


Clearly they can't usually work for different customers at the same time, but they can have many jobs waiting to be done, that’s how the self employed work. I do a job, finish it and then move on to the next customer.



It's very clear that they would be self employed and not employed by their customer.


Unfortunately all those answers also happen to match up quite closely with being employed...

Hey, it's not my definition, take it up with HMRC if you don't like it.

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7 hours? how odd!... 8 hours is a typical days work, but doing the maths for that looks less good..


Do you never have a lunch break then?


Most work days are 9.00 - 1.00 (4 hours) + 2.00 - 5.00 (3 hours)


1 hour unpaid break for lunch


Therefore 4 hours work + 3 hours work = 7 hours a day.


x 5 = your average 35 hour week.


Some work a little more, some work a little less but that's the average.

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What would you consider a fair hourly rate then?


How much would you pay someone for a 7 hour work day.


Lets please bear in mind the already tough competion from the pennies a hour that foreign companies get away with paying their worker - which of course keeps us consumers happy with their cheap goods.


So go on..... what's fair?

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What would you consider a fair hourly rate then?


How much would you pay someone for a 7 hour work day.


Lets please bear in mind the already tough competion from the pennies a hour that foreign companies get away with paying their worker - which of course keeps us consumers happy with their cheap goods.


So go on..... what's fair?


No less than £12.50 minimum. And regarding competition that should be an equal minimum for everybody.


With current cost and prices in this country the current legal minimum wage is pure slavery just enough to not die of hunger. Have a ****ty place to live, cannot afford heating and other luxeries that most people consider normal.


I have no respect for a society that uses and abuses people to work hard for so little they have just enough to not die of hunger after other basic expenses.

Someone on minimum wage cannot even afford a normal return train ticket to londen after basic expenses.

No wonder people break into your house to steal your television.

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what planet are you living on?


I suggest you come back down to earth, how would companies afford to pay this level of pay


It is beyond belief and obviously not made by someone with any sense.



No less than £12.50 minimum. And regarding competition that should be an equal minimum for everybody.


With current cost and prices in this country the current legal minimum wage is pure slavery just enough to not die of hunger. Have a ****ty place to live, cannot afford heating and other luxeries that most people consider normal.


I have no respect for a society that uses and abuses people to work hard for so little they have just enough to not die of hunger after other basic expenses.

Someone on minimum wage cannot even afford a normal return train ticket to londen after basic expenses.

No wonder people break into your house to steal your television.

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