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Champs closing..end of an era!


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ITS COMING BACK ONLY BETTER: Just found out that actually Champs isn’t closing for ever, it has been bought out. The current site is closing to reopen as a fancy restaurant run by Thornbridge and Richard Smith, at the end of July but a local guy has bought the name and rights and its reopening in the current Pomona/Ecclesall after a massive refurb. Theres some designs in the Pomona showing what its going to be like and it looks amazing, the good old days of Champs only loads better. Now its gonna be owned by a local guy again we should all get back behind it, used to have the best burger in Sheffield by miles

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ITS COMING BACK ONLY BETTER: Just found out that actually Champs isn’t closing for ever, it has been bought out. The current site is closing to reopen as a fancy restaurant run by Thornbridge and Richard Smith, at the end of July but a local guy has bought the name and rights and its reopening in the current Pomona/Ecclesall after a massive refurb. Theres some designs in the Pomona showing what its going to be like and it looks amazing, the good old days of Champs only loads better. Now its gonna be owned by a local guy again we should all get back behind it, used to have the best burger in Sheffield by miles


Not that i'm doubting you but the old Pomona has only very recently had a considerable amount of money and a massive refurb turning it into the Ecclesall. So it seems a bit odd verging on the insane to rip out a brand new interior and put another one in. Well unless these people have a money tree. As far as being owned by a local guy again Champs has been owned by a local guy for years and even with Thornbridge upping their ownership from 50% to 100% its still owned by a local guy that's unless Richard Smith and Jim Harrison don't class as locals?

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No its definate, I have a mate who works at planning and a planning application has gone through, I was in the Pomona yesterday and theres some pictures kicking around of the new Champs, staff said its reopening at the start of August. Cant wait

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I was in The Pomona the other day and there were plans/mood boards kicking around showing it to be a new and improved Champs. All looked good to me. The girl behind the bar said it was all happening soon and there would be loads of screens for the footie and what looks like a pretty impressive outside area at the back.

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how disturbing. if I want to watch television I switch on my TV set at home. What that place should be is a Humphrey Bogart theme bar...Sheffield does not have one. I have been to one in India and its just splendid.


This is a great post and I for one agree wholeheartedly, I once went to a Herbert Lom themed 'juice bar' in Macclesfield, it was a riot!

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