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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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because management-employee relations should be a partnership where they both sides benefit from the wealth generated by the business.


not a master-slave relationship where the management get it all and the employees get next to nothing.


unions have a postitive part to play in this because they can collectively negotiate on behalf of their members


Unfortunately the English could never grasp this concept. We are a backward nation compared to others in this regard.

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because management-employee relations should be a partnership where they both sides benefit from the wealth generated by the business.


not a master-slave relationship where the management get it all and the employees get next to nothing.


unions have a postitive part to play in this because they can collectively negotiate on behalf of their members

sorry when do you join the real world?? business does not work like that never has never will unless you joiun a commune or Kibutz:loopy:

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Unfortunately the English could never grasp this concept. We are a backward nation compared to others in this regard.

example where this works?

russia? germany? china? usa? italy?.....No thought not

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It works very much like that in Germany.

try getting anything made in germany cheaply, try importing into germany, thats why on the whole german goods are so expensive i grant you good quality..but at a price........for a small percentage of the world population that can afford them. germany has many employment problems now due to union demands.

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try getting anything made in germany cheaply, try importing into germany, thats why on the whole german goods are so expensive i grant you good quality..but at a price........for a small percentage of the world population that can afford them. germany has many employment problems now due to union demands.


Are you an employer?

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