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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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How about Germany? They have worker councils and all manner of petty fogging workers rights over there and they are considered the engine of Western Europe.


Exactly, Germany is a centrist coalition. The point I was making is that you won't get better employment rights in a Socialist country.

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says you who thinks unions can control bankers:loopy::loopy: off now to think about which workshy non productive waster i can get rid of next:hihi:


Ironic that you should mention bankers and non productive waster in the same post considering that there is a consensus that much of the investment arm of banking is considered socially unproductive.

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As I said earlier do you have 1st hand knowledge of working for the public sector, how do you work out they are all idle & incompetent? This one I'd LOVE to hear how do you come to this erudite assessment of people, or is it just by generalisation.


Well, I have worked for the Post Office, BT and the NHS. I have worked as a contractor for the MoD, NHS and various overseas public services including Deutsche Telekom. I have also been a customer of the NHS, Education, HMRC, DWP and SCC. So why don't you just.........................

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