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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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I have never met a business owner who has said they wouldnt take on staff because of employment regulation or red tape, and i do run a business myself.


The regulations that Bereton advocates are for vulture corporations like his own. No rights to employees, attacking the middle & lower classes with constant fear that at any point they can sack you because your face no longer fits, or you havent brown nosed enough. These fear factors will hit our economy like a sledge hammer. Who would contemplate any purchases other than necessarities when your not sure if your going to be employed next month? This will put the economy even further back and keep prolonging this recession.


It is very easy to "get rid" of a bad member of staff, through verbal & written warnings. Only bad & lazy management would require less regulation. We have suffice.


If the government want to bring this in, lets start with our MP's. Surely we shouldnt have to wait 5 years before we can sack them?


Sibon, i too like you believed this was a nice decoy for the Lib Dems to say, Oh no you dont....and the Tories to say Oh yes we do.... but eventually it goes away, and both parties look good for posturing for a bit. But i do think Steve Hilton wanted it leaked as he wanted a so called legacy...

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some good news for employers today regarding the new initiative regarding easier ways to get rid unproductive staff on a no fault basis, the IOD welcomes this and so will many small busineses owners and this in fact may entice us to employ more if we can get rid of troublemakers and shirkers more easily.


The troublemakers and shirkers are usually boses or staff in higher positions themselves. They abuse power.

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It is very easy to "get rid" of a bad member of staff, through verbal & written warnings. Only bad & lazy management would require less regulation.


I couldn't agree more. It's simply a charter for bad management.

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It will not happen, people don't trust the government anymore and it's showing on Disasterous Dave's face. He is alienationg the people he needs to vote for him.


It's probable the government has purposely overset their target, though, in an attempt to get people to readily accept the real target which would be considerably less.


Disasterous Dave has finally realised he will need your vote and that bribing people at the General Election will not be enough. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-18154730

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It will not happen, people don't trust the government anymore and it's showing on Disasterous Dave's face. He is alienationg the people he needs to vote for him.


It's probable the government has purposely overset their target, though, in an attempt to get people to readily accept the real target which would be considerably less.


Disasterous Dave has finally realised he will need your vote and that bribing people at the General Election will not be enough. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-18154730


Good work from Milliand there. The Cons like to be seen as the party of social mobility. Pity selling our council houses off was the only way they could hoodwink people in to thinking they had become 'socially mobile' in the past few decades.

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Welcome to the world of the professional salesman - it's been an ever present that bad results = bad career prospects.To make matters worse we can't even be insured to protect against it unlike the rest of society.


There will still be a full "routine" of failsafe measures i would anticipate to help correct the behaviour before dismissal is acceptable.

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So you have been happy to take money from working for public services but now you attack them as being useless. Something doesn't add up here. If I was being cynical I might suggest you are part of the problems that you think you have all the answers to.



Let me give you a real example of what I mean. This is one of dozens that I have seen with my own eyes and I know that this sort of thing goes on the length and breadth of the country.


We installed equipment at a remote location. The public sector client sent their quality inspector to inspect and sign it off. He decided, as part of his personal inspection routine (not part of the contractual QA) to hit it with a hammer several times. Unsurprisingly, the equipment broke. The inspector then reported that our equipment was faulty when he got there. The client got very agitated and we had to send a team to sort it out. We replaced the equipment. Unfortunately for the inspector the equipment had been working and there were test results to prove it. Consequently we sent the public sector client the bill which ran to over £10,000 for that one incident. The quality inspector still works for them and is probably costing them more money every day.


In the course of a £2m contract we sent the client bills for more than £600,000 for similarly wasted manhours because their staff were so disorganised and incompetent. They would arrange meetings at short notice in remote places which we would go to and they wouldn't turn up. So we would bill them for our time.


One of my favourites was the public sector client who bought some equipment for us to install. To do that we had to strip some cables using a knife as that was the only tool sharp enough and strong enough to do the job. Because of the client's own H&S rules we weren't allowed to have knives on site. Three months later the client had gone back to the US manufacturer and asked them to make a special tool sharp enough to do the job but safe enough for them to allow on site. The US manufacturer eventually came up with a design which the client had to approve (what a process that is!!) and eventually had some made and shipped over. The point is that it was the client's own choice of cable that they had bought but not thought through how to implement within their own H&S rules. It cost months of delay and thousands of pounds of tax payers money when a knife would have done the job in under ten minutes.


This sort of stuff goes on every single day. It is part of a culture that wastes shed loads of money and nobody ever takes responsibility because it's all done by groupthink so no one individual can ever be singled out as being responsible.

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some good news for employers today regarding the new initiative regarding easier ways to get rid unproductive staff on a no fault basis, the IOD welcomes this and so will many small busineses owners and this in fact may entice us to employ more if we can get rid of troublemakers and shirkers more easily.


And according to this link in today's paper, it's not going to happen.



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Jim Graham I'll ask for you by name, I asked you in post 41 how you'd arrived at the statement that public sector public sector "has become a haven for the idle and the incompetent" I asked you to explain your statement and asking if you had 1st hand knowledge of working for them, reading all your posts since that give you I may say the classic air of the typical Tory.


I'm a public sector worker &, I've worked bloody hard all my life. Before the public sector I had 18 years as a fully skilled machine setter operators in 2 engineering firms, and prior to that worked as a collier underground. You know a miner (I left in 79), who your beloved Maggie tried to kill through starvation, and ridicule. she may have had their jobs, but she never broke their spirits.


I'd sooner know 1 miner than 20 of you small minded kind, trust me.


You do nothing but slag unions as I said to you the other day they have done good, they have done bad, but remember if not for the unions you'd have no holidays, no decent pay, no minimum wages (and for lots that's been a godsend), no working conditions in factories or offices or where ever you go to work, no Health & Safety at work. Truly you don't think these things were obtained by goodwill of the management, no it was a bloody hard fight by hard working people & the unions that supported them.


I suppose that you'd like to return to the days of seeing the working class tugging their forelocks and such, get real boy it does not happen.


I notice that you signature says "there is low life in high places", yes, there is it's called the bloody Conservative government. And I'll expand on my hatred of Thatcher for you when she pops her cloggs If I'm still here, I'm having a big bloody party to celebrate.


Trust me it'll be one of thousands all around the country, sorry people like you blame the unions for all the troubles in the country, but are more than happy to reap the rewards of what they won & fought for, to help the working people in future generations.


Once again this country is being raped & pillaged by a totally useless Tory government, and their fat cat friends are getting richer, and people such as you are applauding getting rid of staff & putting them out of work.


Give me a brick wall as I'm off to bang my head, I will NEVER understand the minds or ramblings of someone of your blatantly biased opinions of the working people who you seem to hold in such disdain.

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