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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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Jim Graham I'll ask for you by name, I asked you in post 41 how you'd arrived at the statement that public sector public sector "has become a haven for the idle and the incompetent" I asked you to explain your statement and asking if you had 1st hand knowledge of working for them, reading all your posts since that give you I may say the classic air of the typical Tory.


I'm a public sector worker & if you said that to me face no matter how Ill I am I'd drop you, I've worked bloody hard all my life. Before the public sector I had 18 years as a fully skilled machine setter operators in 2 engineering firms, and prior to that worked as a collier underground. You know a miner who your beloved Maggie tried to kill through starvation, and ridicule. she may have had their jobs, but she never broke their spirits.


I'd sooner know 1 miner than 20 of you small minded kind, trust me.


You do nothing but slag unions as I said to you the other day they have done good, they have done bad, but remember if not for the unions you'd have no holidays, no decent pay, no minimum wages (and for lots that's been a godsend), no working conditions in factories or offices or where ever you go to work, no Health & Safety at work. Truly you don't think these things were obtained by goodwill of the management, no it was a bloody hard fight by hard working people & the unions that supported them.


I suppose that you'd like to return to the days of seeing the working class tugging their forelocks and such, get real boy it does not happen.


I notice that you signature says there is low life in high places, yes there is pal it's called the bloody Conservative government. And I'll expand on my hatred of Thatcher for you when she pops her cloggs If I'm still here, I'm having a big bloody party to celebrate.


Trust me it'll be one of thousands all around the country, sorry people like you blame the unions for all the troubles in the country, but are more than happy to reap the rewards of what they won & fought for, to help the working people in future generations.


Once again this country is being raped & pillaged by a totally useless Tory government, and their fat cat friends are getting richer, and people such as you are applauding getting rid of staff & putting them out of work.


Give me a brick wall as I'm off to bang my head, I will NEVER understand the minds or ramblings of someone of your blatantly biased opinions of the working people who you seem to hold in such disdain.


Post of the month. Eloquent and heartfelt.

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I think its time we stopped pretending we had problems, both in our public sector and private sector. Mistakes cost this country dearly. Look at our Education system, look at where Sheffield is in the league tables.


We seem to keep rewarding people for doing their job? Bonuses are a given too many times. Bankers.....Headteachers.....CEO's.....Council senior management?


It is time all people were paid a decent wage for a decent job. Managers have to be MANAGERS. We all know people both in the private & public sector who holds a managers title, but doesnt actually manage. It mostly happens in the public sector in my own experience. Ticking boxes rather than sitting down with staff and explaining what is required to ensure their departments run effectively shouldnt be a hope. Departments need to treat budgets like they treat their own purses. We need to stop wastages.


Unlike lots of people on here, i see Jim problems with the public sector as issues i have come across many times.


I also see what our Unions have won & gained for the working man aswell. But we need to develop these relationships now. German board rooms have a Union member on each board. The Unions work together with the businesses. Decisions are made together. Those decisions are then fed down through the companies with everyone working together. What do we have in the UK? Fear, mostly. Big businesses will happily shaft its lower rungs of employees if regulations didnt exist. The UK needs to develop a culture of businesses and its workforces working much more closer and in harmony, so that it can increase trade. I firmly see more co-operatives on the agenda moving forward.

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I will NEVER understand the minds or ramblings of someone of your blatantly biased opinions of the working people who you seem to hold in such disdain.


Coversely I don't see your point of view either. It's a free country. I have an opinion based on my experience, which I have shared, as you asked. I can expresss that opinion freely because we don't have a Socialist state that denies free speech and expression as they do in your beloved communist countries.


Here's another few stories you choose to forget with that selective socialist amnesia of yours. Children die at the hands of parents while police, social workers and all the other agencies faff about and blame each other. People go into hospital and die of something they catch there. The police take bungs from Murdoch and cover up failings. They put innocent people in prison for years through negligence. Teachers ignore bullying and say they don't have a problem. Lives of ordinary people are blighted every day by abject public services. I could go on and on and on. The public sector is rife with incompetence, arrogance, waste and stupidity. You can stick your fingers in your ears and go lah lah lah lah and hope not to hear the truth but something has to be done about it. Of course there are people working hard and doing a good job but not enough of them and the ones who aren't need to be got rid of.




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You do nothing but slag unions as I said to you the other day they have done good, they have done bad, but remember if not for the unions you'd have no holidays, no decent pay, no minimum wages (and for lots that's been a godsend), no working conditions in factories or offices or where ever you go to work, no Health & Safety at work. Truly you don't think these things were obtained by goodwill of the management, no it was a bloody hard fight by hard working people & the unions that supported them.


I am self employed. I don't get paid holidays, sick pay, or any of the other benefits you get. I just get to pay for them. I get paid what I am worth to an employer and I live within that income. That income has declined recently. I am subject to a competitive market. I can't strike and I am not fighting a bitter class war.

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I am self employed. I don't get paid holidays, sick pay, or any of the other benefits you get. I just get to pay for them. I get paid what I am worth to an employer and I live within that income. That income has declined recently. I am subject to a competitive market. I can't strike and I am not fighting a bitter class war.


That is your choice. You also don't pay class 1 National Insurance or PAYE. It is your choice to be Self Employed therefore it is your choice to forego the benefits of employment whilst enjoying the benefits of self employment.


Don't whinge, moan and bleat about a situation of your own choosing.

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I can expresss that opinion freely because we don't have a Socialist state that denies free speech and expression as they do in your beloved communist countries.


Of course there are people working hard and doing a good job but not enough of them and the ones who aren't need to be got rid of.





So by supporting the unions makes me a communist, did you have your head surgically implanted up your arse, what a blind narrow minded opinion that is.


We all know what problems exist in this country thanks, I have never read such elitist clap trap that is spouted by yourself. You will always get people that put more in that some in relation to work, but that's human nature, not a bloody excuse to sack people.


Just look at the way your beloved government is targeting such as people on Incapacity, yes some are fit for work, but a bloody lot are not. Yet under your utopia if you can pick up a £1 coin or, a half litre of milk & such, you are fit for work, such utter cobblers I've never heard in my life. Your lot yet again are intent on destroying lives, and believe you me they are & will continue to do so.


You call yourself a working man, & you are a Tory, god help you, lets face it it's well known that the Tories are rampant with fascist supporters & your posts just endorse that.


I suppose you'll want me putting up to the wall & shooting for my comments, communist me, most certainly not, I just believe in rights for the working man. Never been a communist in my life but I've supported the unions, and Labour, not always agreeing with either of them.


The days when the working man had to "cow tow" to such as your lot, are long gone, we no longer tug our forelocks, and that's what all you Tory boys don't like.


Perhaps we should send kids back up chimneys, and reopen the workhouses, and poor houses, you'd make a brilliant Mr Bumble.


They talk about equality in this country, while ever there's people such as yourself that will never happen. We are going through one of the worst economical times people have endured for years, yet you are advocating sacking folk.


I'm going back to me wall, to bang my head, as it's a lost cause trying to speak to someone with your elitist opinions of people.

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