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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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You asked me two questions and I answered them both. Its through no fault of my own that you are unhappy with my answers.


No, not unhappy I just like statements explaining, but if you are so monosyllabic that's not possible, well I'll accept this. You made a comment about the public sector & didn't really substantiate it that's all :)

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Lets just get rid of all the bloat in public services,and concentrate on the core services.


Up here in Scotland they are merging all the regional police forces into 1 (lots of jobs will go,and probably front-line) But,hey-ho,in the last 12months over 180 officers have been promoted.They realised they may be up for redundancy,so upped their pay for a bigger payout..Sneaky ****es...

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I am self employed. I don't get paid holidays, sick pay, or any of the other benefits you get. I just get to pay for them. I get paid what I am worth to an employer and I live within that income. That income has declined recently. I am subject to a competitive market. I can't strike and I am not fighting a bitter class war.


How do you mange on 4 bob a week


Jesus I would LOVE you explain how you pay for my paid holidays, sick pay, and other benefits. I pay class 1 NI & income tax, and have worked since I was 13 in some form or another that's 40 years if you struggle with mathematics.


Sorry but you are possibly the most narrow minded, pompous, self opinionated individual that it's ever been my misfortune to cross.


You really do have a small opinion of the working class & all it stands for, think you'd be better off in Surrey, I know we'd be better off if you were.


I cannot believe that there really are people with your beliefs left in the 21st century, you really are a bigot I'm afraid to say.

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How do you mange on 4 bob a week


Jesus I would LOVE you explain how you pay for my paid holidays, sick pay, and other benefits. I pay class 1 NI & income tax, and have worked since I was 13 in some form or another that's 40 years if you struggle with mathematics.


Sorry but you are possibly the most narrow minded, pompous, self opinionated individual that it's ever been my misfortune to cross.


You really do have a small opinion of the working class & all it stands for, think you'd be better off in Surrey, I know we'd be better off if you were.


I cannot believe that there really are people with your beliefs left in the 21st century, you really are a bigot I'm afraid to say.



Why dont you knock off the abuse and join the arguement?


Just because Jim and others (including me) have a view that doesnt suck up to public services, socialism and the Bruvvers of the trade unions and share a view of the working class (what a misleading title) that doesnt sit with your world view doesnt give you the right to be abusive.


There are people like Jim, probably a majority in this country who are sick and tired of supporting a NHS service that proves deadly daily, a Police service that couldnt catch a cold, teachers who cannot control 5 year olds and a load of scroungers who cant work/wont work.


I am proud to count myself amongst them.

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Why dont you knock off the abuse and join the arguement?


Just because Jim and others (including me) have a view that doesnt suck up to public services, socialism and the Bruvvers of the trade unions and share a view of the working class (what a misleading title) that doesnt sit with your world view doesnt give you the right to be abusive.


There are people like Jim, probably a majority in this country who are sick and tired of supporting a NHS service that proves deadly daily, a Police service that couldnt catch a cold, teachers who cannot control 5 year olds and a load of scroungers who cant work/wont work.


I am proud to count myself amongst them.


That's not abuse its letting off steam at people who have no concept of the real world, and if you are talking of abuse just run your eyes over what he posts. Kettle calling pot in my opinion, you asked me to join the argument look at post 142 I think you'll find I do that most eloquently. Perhaps not enough for you toffs but I'm only a working class bloke, god you make me laugh, no sorry I pity you for your shortsightedness & downright bigotry & discrimination. And yes discrimination it just does not relate to sex, colour or creed or orientation or disability, you are so disproportionately disparaging of the working class or anyone with an opinion that does not meet yours.

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Sorry but you are possibly the most narrow minded, pompous, self opinionated individual that it's ever been my misfortune to cross.


You really do have a small opinion of the working class & all it stands for, think you'd be better off in Surrey, I know we'd be better off if you were.


I cannot believe that there really are people with your beliefs left in the 21st century, you really are a bigot I'm afraid to say.



I have done what you asked and given examples of waste and incompetence in the public sector. You have avoided commenting on them. I could give you hundreds more but you don't want to hear the unpleasant truth. You only want to hear how the public sector is "essential" and we can't live without it. Well, Joan Wood couldn't live because of it and neither could tens of thousands of others.


All you want to do is regurgitate your 19th century anti capitalist class war claptrap. You think you have a God given right to a wage. You don't. You have your head stuck so far in the sand I'm surprised you can't see kangaroos. Good luck with your class war. The miners lost theirs because they forgot the first rule of war. Only pick fights you know you can win. Where are the miners unions, car workers unions, steelworkers unions, shipbuilders unions, dockers unions, print unions and all the other allied trades unions of the 1970s? They are all gone because they were greedy and priced themselves out of the world market making shoddy goods nobody wanted and nobody could afford. In the 21st century there is no such thing as the Working Class. The downtrodden masses have all got iPhones. The starving millions are all obese. The only people starving in this country are NHS patients.

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Why dont you knock off the abuse and join the arguement?


Just because Jim and others (including me) have a view that doesnt suck up to public services, socialism and the Bruvvers of the trade unions and share a view of the working class (what a misleading title) that doesnt sit with your world view doesnt give you the right to be abusive.


There are people like Jim, probably a majority in this country who are sick and tired of supporting a NHS service that proves deadly daily, a Police service that couldnt catch a cold, teachers who cannot control 5 year olds and a load of scroungers who cant work/wont work.


I am proud to count myself amongst them.




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I have done what you asked and given examples of waste and incompetence in the public sector. You have avoided commenting on them. I could give you hundreds more but you don't want to hear the unpleasant truth. You only want to hear how the public sector is "essential" and we can't live without it. Well, Joan Wood couldn't live because of it and neither could tens of thousands of others.


All you want to do is regurgitate your 19th century anti capitalist class war claptrap. You think you have a God given right to a wage. You don't. You have your head stuck so far in the sand I'm surprised you can't see kangaroos. Good luck with your class war. The miners lost theirs because they forgot the first rule of war. Only pick fights you know you can win. Where are the miners unions, car workers unions, steelworkers unions, shipbuilders unions, dockers unions, print unions and all the other allied trades unions of the 1970s? They are all gone because they were greedy and priced themselves out of the world market making shoddy goods nobody wanted and nobody could afford. In the 21st century there is no such thing as the Working Class. The downtrodden masses have all got iPhones. The starving millions are all obese. The only people starving in this country are NHS patients.


I answered you when I said I was aware what was going off around us, I am not going into full descriptors, you base you facts on what you are force fed by Thatcher. Do you know I thought I would be able to have a good well balanced argument with you, but you are so disparaging of anyone who dares not to agree with you.


I'm sorry but your reasoning is pathetic, you cannot see that there is such things as poverty in this country, you are content to just label everyone with the same tag. People all over the world are starving so where's your reasoning that they are obese. The NHS is being destroyed piece by piece, by Mr Smarmy Cameron & his cronies.


I also note you make no mention of my disdain for Tony Blair, just like that Tory rag the Sun selective editing.


The miners lost because coal stocks were stock piled prior to the strike, and later in years MacGregor admitted PUBLICALLY that Thatcher & he politically motivated the miners strike. It was in direct retribution to what was done to Ted Heaths government in 72, she destroyed communities & families but according to your reasoning that is acceptable.


And as for a wage I don't think I've a god given right as you put it, I get off my backside & go to work, I am not on the sick, but I could go on any time I want. I am currently recuperating following a suspected heart attack & have heart failure & possibly could have cancer but I go to work. So do NOT give me claptrap like that and made generalisations you know naff all about me, I work, & work bloody hard.


I will work while ever there is breath in my body & will not give in to what is wrong with me, I know my life expectancy is not great, but I will endevour to contribute to society & this country by continuing to work.

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The tories will always come up with ridiculous new fascist ideas that have no chance of becoming law, such as this one, they always have done. I thought that the idiots may have held back a little this time however because their government was not even elected. They are an unelected government and should behave themselves and not change any laws.

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