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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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The tories will always come up with ridiculous new fascist ideas that have no chance of becoming law, such as this one, they always have done. I thought that the idiots may have held back a little this time however because their government was not even elected. They are an unelected government and should behave themselves and not change any laws.


Well said that person, hear hear :):):):):)

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What is particularly galling is that had a trade union put suggestions on improving worker's rights then the tuppence 'apenny Tories would be stamping their little feet, complaining about 'bruvvers' or whatever the Daily Mail catchphrase of the month is.


Yet Adrian Beecroft a venture capitalist, gives millions to the Tories, owns a payday loan company which charges extortionate interest rates (who therefore has an interest in economic hardship) suggests that people have less employment rights - not a peep out of the usual suspects about vested interests, let alone about 'being all in it together'.


Are some people really that alienated from others in similar circustances, or do they thnk that by sucking up to the rich they will catch the crumbs from the table?

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What is particularly galling is that had a trade union put suggestions on improving worker's rights then the tuppence 'apenny Tories would be stamping their little feet, complaining about 'bruvvers' or whatever the Daily Mail catchphrase of the month is.


Yet Adrian Beecroft a venture capitalist, gives millions to the Tories, owns a payday loan company which charges extortionate interest rates (who therefore has an interest in economic hardship) suggests that people have less employment rights - not a peep out of the usual suspects about vested interests, let alone about 'being all in it together'.


Are some people really that alienated from others in similar circustances, or do they thnk that by sucking up to the rich they will catch the crumbs from the table?




Some people think that they are rich if they get a 3 grand car on credit.

It is such idiots who allow the tories to not get elected anyhow.:hihi:

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So you admit fighting a class war then having just said you aren't! You haven't told us the name of your company or the nature of your work.


Why should he ? Since when is *gasp* running a business or being self employed classed as fighting a class war ?


My mate drives a Renault, does that make him French ?

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I answered you when I said I was aware what was going off around us, I am not going into full descriptors, you base you facts on what you are force fed by Thatcher. Do you know I thought I would be able to have a good well balanced argument with you, but you are so disparaging of anyone who dares not to agree with you.


I'm sorry but your reasoning is pathetic, you cannot see that there is such things as poverty in this country, you are content to just label everyone with the same tag. People all over the world are starving so where's your reasoning that they are obese. The NHS is being destroyed piece by piece, by Mr Smarmy Cameron & his cronies.


I also note you make no mention of my disdain for Tony Blair, just like that Tory rag the Sun selective editing.


The miners lost because coal stocks were stock piled prior to the strike, and later in years MacGregor admitted PUBLICALLY that Thatcher & he politically motivated the miners strike. It was in direct retribution to what was done to Ted Heaths government in 72, she destroyed communities & families but according to your reasoning that is acceptable.


And as for a wage I don't think I've a god given right as you put it, I get off my backside & go to work, I am not on the sick, but I could go on any time I want. I am currently recuperating following a suspected heart attack & have heart failure & possibly could have cancer but I go to work. So do NOT give me claptrap like that and made generalisations you know naff all about me, I work, & work bloody hard.


I will work while ever there is breath in my body & will not give in to what is wrong with me, I know my life expectancy is not great, but I will endevour to contribute to society & this country by continuing to work.



I am very sorry to hear of your illness. I hope you get better treatment from the NHS than many before you have done. But, we have been hearing the same lame argument that the Tories will destroy the NHS since 1979 and it's still here for you. So I'm not buying that argument at all. You've agreed the miners took on a fight they couldn't win. My comment about starving millions relates to Britain, not the rest of the world. Obesity is a much bigger problem.


I have not suggested that you don't work hard or you don't deserve what you have. The thread is about being able to sack incompetent workers. You demanded examples of incompetence and I gave you plenty. Your logic would appear to be to leave well alone and not make anyone responsible. When I hear about waste and incompetence killing people my moral GPS defaults to Outrage but to most people in this city theirs is set permanently on Don't Give a Toss.


I care about people and I have seen people's lives destroyed by stupidity and incompetence, cover up and self interest. I have had to watch members of my family die through lack of care. I was one of those who went into hospital with something minor and was very lucky survive what I came out with. I have seen youngsters bullied into depression under the noses of uncaring schools who deny they have a problem. I have been threatened by SCC for trying to complain about bullying in schools. Miners and other workers had their lives blighted too, not by politicians, but by greedy self serving unions hell bent on destroying the very people who were providing the jobs. They won that war against the rich industrialists but everyone was a casualty. The workers were lions led to slaughter by donkeys. Their argument was 'no job at all is better than this job'. So they ended up with no job.


I am not going to stop highlighting the shortcomings of the public sector. You might not like it but someone has to speak out for the Joan Wood's of this world. She and thousands of others are being failed by people who are not up to the job. The public sector has become a big con, a massively expensive elephant in the room that costs the earth, delivers night soil and nobody feels able to criticise it.


When you get to the stage that hospitals can't keep people alive with basic nutrition, schools can't teach reading and writing and the police are taking bungs and locking up innocent people it's really time for a rethink. Take care.

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I guess that would coincide with declining spending on public services. Less work all round?


Yes, to a degree I think youre right. With so much of the economy based in the public sector and therefore supplying it, when that takes a hit, businesses take a hit.


I'm racking my brain to get the details of an interview with Tony Blair on this morning of all things where they presented him with the fact (this is where it gets foggy so bear with me ;)) that over half of britains GDP is tied up in the public sector ? Does that sound right ? Blair didn't know what it meant and said as much.


Anyway, I'm rambling. Less money the public sector have the less they can spend in the private sector. That is a fact.

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I have done what you asked and given examples of waste and incompetence in the public sector.


Do you know what strangulation are starvation are? It's where staffing and funding is cut so services can't function correctly. They are used as tools to try and justify abandonment and excessive restructuring, in other words, a stick to beat people with.


Why haven't you identified severe incompetence and mismanagement in the private sector that the state has had to clean up?

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