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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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I guess that would coincide with declining spending on public services. Less work all round?


I would have thought its more to do with the fact the people are no longer using their houses as cash machines and taking on debts they can't afford.

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I would have thought its more to do with the fact the people are no longer using their houses as cash machines and taking on debts they can't afford.


There is dampened demand for sure but I'm interested to know what impact reduced government spend has had on Jim Graham's income. He says he has worked on public sector contracts. He says they paid ok. He says his income is in decline, that competition is tough. I'm trying to understand why. Let him speak.

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Do you know what strangulation are starvation are? It's where staffing and funding is cut so services can't function correctly. They are used as tools to try and justify abandonment and excessive restructuring, in other words, a stick to beat people with.


Why haven't you identified severe incompetence and mismanagement in the private sector that the state has had to clean up?


Why dont you come up with some examples Mecky? Or cant you think of any?

Go on impress me.

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I have done what you asked and given examples of waste and incompetence in the public sector. You have avoided commenting on them. I could give you hundreds more but you don't want to hear the unpleasant truth. You only want to hear how the public sector is "essential" and we can't live without it. Well, Joan Wood couldn't live because of it and neither could tens of thousands of others.


All you want to do is regurgitate your 19th century anti capitalist class war claptrap. You think you have a God given right to a wage. You don't. You have your head stuck so far in the sand I'm surprised you can't see kangaroos. Good luck with your class war. The miners lost theirs because they forgot the first rule of war. Only pick fights you know you can win. Where are the miners unions, car workers unions, steelworkers unions, shipbuilders unions, dockers unions, print unions and all the other allied trades unions of the 1970s? They are all gone because they were greedy and priced themselves out of the world market making shoddy goods nobody wanted and nobody could afford. In the 21st century there is no such thing as the Working Class. The downtrodden masses have all got iPhones. The starving millions are all obese. The only people starving in this country are NHS patients.


You could argue that socialisum is the working mans capitalisum because in your statement, both doctrins are the means to the same end. Both the ontraproner and their workers want money, as much as they can get. In an ideal world, both businessman and employee find an equallibrium.


I do agree with Jim though, the unions shot themselves in the foot for striking over nit picky things or demanding way too much. Both sides will ask for more than they really want, but the unions cripped Britain in the 60's, to 80's. Now when they are really needed they have no bite, only a bark like a yappy dog.

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Why dont you knock off the abuse and join the arguement?


Just because Jim and others (including me) have a view that doesnt suck up to public services, socialism and the Bruvvers of the trade unions and share a view of the working class (what a misleading title) that doesnt sit with your world view doesnt give you the right to be abusive.


There are people like Jim, probably a majority in this country who are sick and tired of supporting a NHS service that proves deadly daily, a Police service that couldnt catch a cold, teachers who cannot control 5 year olds and a load of scroungers who cant work/wont work.


I am proud to count myself amongst them.


Just watching Great Ormond Street on BBC. Globally excellent. The best paediatric care going. Saving children's lives. Our NHS.

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electricity -

railways - got nationalised after the war because the private company share holders could no longer afford to replace the infestructure.


banks - we all know that story.



All in the private sector. All underperforming.


Such companies should have been kept under state control but ran at a profit so that money could be ploude back into the government coffers. Only trouble is, over greedy capitalists cashed in. Hence we pay too much for utilities, travel etc. Banks only recently came into nationalisation, but thats only due to the business communities incompitance.

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You could argue that socialisum is the working mans capitalisum because in your statement, both doctrins are the means to the same end. Both the ontraproner and their workers want money, as much as they can get. In an ideal world, both businessman and employee find an equallibrium.


I do agree with Jim though, the unions shot themselves in the foot for striking over nit picky things or demanding way too much. Both sides will ask for more than they really want, but the unions cripped Britain in the 60's, to 80's. Now when they are really needed they have no bite, only a bark like a yappy dog.


Both sides need to step back. They both enjoy conflict. We need general reform in industrial relations and it's going to require pig-headed idiots on both sides to swallow their pride and work together for the good of the country.

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Such companies should have been kept under state control but ran at a profit so that money could be ploude back into the government coffers. Only trouble is, over greedy capitalists cashed in. Hence we pay too much for utilities, travel etc. Banks only recently came into nationalisation, but thats only due to the business communities incompitance.


As always there are things the private sector can do better than the public sector and should be brought on board to help with public sector service delivery when there are clear benefits and genuine efficiencies. But the wholesale dogmatic ideological hiving off of our public services has been disasterous for consumers. Bad that the Tories did it in the first place. Disgsuting that Labour did nothing to reverse any of it.

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i hope you feel the same when your jobs on the line :loopy::hihi: another nail in the coffin for the working man :huh:.


Why ? If an employee isnt pulling their weight and doing their job properly then any employer should be able to fire them on the spot. If you run a business and was paying someone a good wage and they wernt doing their job as they should ,wouldnt you want to give them the boot ?

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