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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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I wonder if the reason why so many people on this thread are angry about these proposals is self-interest? As has already been stated, genuine hard working people have nothing to fear, it's the idlers and skivers that are at risk. Little wonder that people who spend the working day making thousands of posts on internet forums when they should be working are up in arms.


You know who you are. ;););););)


You mean yourself?

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You have changed the subject, you inferred you would give examples of where the govenment has had to bail out privatised institutions.


BUT, while you at it, I fondly remember the glorious days of British Rail, (need I go on?) Buses that were subsidised disgracefully, water and electricity services that received zero investment.


As regards Banks you are right, they did need bailing out. BUT only because Blair and Brown and the rest milionaires on the current LABOUR front bench turned them into casinoes.


Do you think if they Tories were in power that they would have stood up to the City of London? Like they are doing now????

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I'd agree the buses and the trains are a mess, but there is a fair few choices for gas and electric suppliers. Since privatisation, there have been quite a few new power stations built. It's not all bad. Do you really think there would be that level of investment in a state run utility company in this country ? Were the bills mega cheap prior to privatisation ? I was only a nipper but I'd guess they were about the same. Do you think bills would be cheap now ? Would you be happy that your taxes would subsidise sky high wholesale gas and electric prices to save a few quid on a gas bill? I'd rather have hospitals, and to a certain extent a decent state run railway.


I don't think the electricity industry as it stands now is fit for purpose going forward. Prices are rising again after government intervention was required to bring them down. Prices are rising because decisions made in the 90s have left us at the mercy of wholesale gas markets. The big generators are refusing to comply with government energy strategy by pulling out of construction projects. Future energy consumption needs will be harder to meet from domestic sources. The record on renewables is appalling. It's a mess and we are going to end up paying the price.

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Just reading the report on Stafford. Killed dozens, our NHS.


What happened was exceptional and appalling. But not a reason to disband the service. Like I said it's more a reason to look for ways to fix and improve it.

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What happened was exceptional and appalling. But not a reason to disband the service. Like I said it's more a reason to look for ways to fix and improve it.


Why would they want to do that if they can understaff and underfund the NHS deliberately to try and build a case for privatising it?

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No he didn't, the subject was changed by someone else because they were losing the argument and tried to switch tact. He is just reponding to the change of tact.


I am sure you understand the above paragraph, I dont want to appear pedantic but what do you mean by "change tact"

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Do you think if they Tories were in power that they would have stood up to the City of London? Like they are doing now????


Yes I do, the Conservatives have a long tradition of dealing with the city, even the Lib Dems have better qualified people than ever Labour was able to field. The city is, by its very nature, a predatory, ruthless money making machine, it has no conscience, little if any sense of social responsibility.


It is essential therefore that it is managed by elected politicians prepared to enforce laws that make up for those missing ingredients. Tories and Whigs did this pretty successfully for over 400 years.


Socialism, a product of the 20th century as far as this country is concerned, has never had a mechanism for dealing with the city. Socialists, when in power have always mismanaged the economy leaving the country skint when leaving power on every occassion from Ramsey Macdonald to Gordon Brown.

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What happened was exceptional and appalling. But not a reason to disband the service. Like I said it's more a reason to look for ways to fix and improve it.



Exceptional? hundreds if not thousands have died as a result of hospital acquired disease. The NHS pays out millions in competency claims.


The hospital you use a shining example relies on the millions it raises through charity to operate in the excellent way it clearly does.


If the NHS was a parrot it would be a Norwegian Blue.

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