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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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Yes, it is amazing how many highly successful members of the Sheffield business community spend hours on here every day. All the serious 'go-getters' I've ever met have had other things to do, and they weren't all raving right wing bigots either.


But some of us are.

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Yes I know all that but who is responsible for giving the contract to the cleaners, who pays them and allows them to do substandard cleaning? Who is responsable for making sure they do a good job for the money they are paid.


Nobody really. A lot of them are just agency cannon fodder, not part of the team.

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Yes I know all that but who is responsible for giving the contract to the cleaners, who pays them and allows them to do substandard cleaning? Who is responsable for making sure they do a good job for the money they are paid.


Ooh, Ooh, I know this one. Pick me, pick me.:wave:



Is it ................................ Hospital Management? :bigsmile:

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Nobody really. A lot of them are just agency cannon fodder, not part of the team.


What a lovely expression, "agency fodder" "not part of the team."


Whats happened wont they join UNISON?


What a disgraceful shameless lot you commies are.

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One very interesting argument though. What compels somebody with very little to defend the people who would like them to have even less?


Answers on the head of a needle (more than enough room) from right wing trolls please.


That at least is a question, rather than the blanking name calling of everyone who isn't a card carrying union member who works for the public sector. If that's what they want to do, that's fine. Just don't slag me off for living my life differently.

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Ooh, Ooh, I know this one. Pick me, pick me.:wave:



Is it ................................ Hospital Management? :bigsmile:


Well done that man give yourself a pat on the back, but not too hard, you don’t want to put yourself in hospital. .:D

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