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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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Exceptional? You wish. Stafford have never been out of the headlines for killing people. Stafford has been a basket case for years. They've promised to fix and improve. Look what good that did. They even have their own Wikipedia page:





Just type NHS Hospital Scandals into Google and you'll get 1,980,000 results ranging from starving patients, unclean wards, bodies dumped on the floor, killer doses of medication, blood clots, MRSA and unauthorised taking of body parts etc etc. Only yesterday we learned of a woman in the Northern General starving to death under the noses of hundreds of so called "caring" staff.


The NHS is the third biggest killer after heart disease and cancer. And it is solely down to the people who work there. Frankly, they need a very thorough clear out. The legal bill for all their ****-ups is more than £15bn and they and the unions have the bare faced cheek to complain about cuts. Perhaps if they started doing their jobs properly more people might survive and they would have more to spend on patients instead of lawyers.





Stafford was an exception. There have been very few cases where systematic failures at a single hospital have led to fatalities on that scale. Like I said it was appalling.


Your link covers legal claims by staff AND patients not just patients. The £15bn is for staff and patient claims the ten years from 2010. Contrast with the US where in 2003 the cost of medical negligence claims was $26.5bn FOR ONE YEAR. 76% of American obstetrician have been sued at least once.


So, you think a privatised American-style system will make this better? If so, how?

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What a lovely expression, "agency fodder" "not part of the team."


Whats happened wont they join UNISON?


What a disgraceful shameless lot you commies are.


I may have a left-wing outlook on life but I know stacks more about the NHS than you do. No need to get abusive by the way.

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That at least is a question, rather than the blanking name calling of everyone who isn't a card carrying union member who works for the public sector. If that's what they want to do, that's fine. Just don't slag me off for living my life differently.


I work for a private company and I've been in the private sector for other 20 years. I had a short stint in the public sector in the 1980s. You don't have to be a unionised public sector worker to have a left-ish outlook on life.

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:D You calm that no one gave the cleaning contractors a contract to clean hospitals and no one pays them.:huh:


Yeah they get paid the going rate for doing a poor job. They're cheaper than the old cleaning teams used to be though. But hospitals get what they pay for.

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Yeah they get paid the going rate for doing a poor job. They're cheaper than the old cleaning teams used to be though. But hospitals get what they pay for.


So the fault lays squarely with the hospitals they pay for poor cleaning.

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Thatcher and Major sensibly and worked with the city throughout their time in power. Blair and Brown allowed the city to go mad and turned banks into casinoes.


I've heard it said that the mainly Tory-type bankers and traders etc merely did to the Labour government what the trade Unions did to Tory governments in the past, i.e cause trouble in their own way to bring the government down.

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So the fault lays squarely with the hospitals they pay for poor cleaning.


Not really. You can only achieve so much with limited resources. The fault lies with the way they are forced to provision the service and the fact that cleanliness in hospitals is inexplicably an area where it is deemed acceptable to drive the cost base down to the minimum. Lunacy.

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Not really. You can only achieve so much with limited resources. The fault lies with the way they are forced to provision the service and the fact that cleanliness in hospitals is inexplicably an area where it is deemed acceptable to drive the cost base down to the minimum. Lunacy.


Who makes the decision on what each hospital spends on cleaning?

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