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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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sorry in these hard economic times "just enough" is not enough! doing the bare minimum is what got this country into the mess we have now , a lot have a workshy something for nothing attitude....er not helped by unions:suspect:

people are paid to do a job yes, but there are levels of doing that job and if you want to keep it ...do it well;)


The job that was worth working for yesterday will tomorrow be not worth a carrot with such attitudes.;)

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But Rich, if they sack all the shirkers,it could open up a door for you(if you are a good grafter);)


I work as hard as my disability will physically allow me to, but an employer might decide that's not enough and bin me off!


For example, my disability and back problems mean I can't stand up for more than 2 minutes at a time, but if a boss sees me sitting down, he might think I'm skiving and sack me for it! It's been known to happen.

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nobody is saying you can be sacked if your boss is in a bad mood or dislikes you, keep you head down and graft!

oh and i think this may well become law in some form or other:thumbsup::thumbsup: eventually.


this seems to be exactly what is being proposed

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I work as hard as my disability will physically allow me to, but an employer might decide that's not enough and bin me off!


For example, my disability and back problems mean I can't stand up for more than 2 minutes at a time, but if a boss sees me sitting down, he might think I'm skiving and sack me for it! It's been known to happen.


Fair dos guvner!


What about a job sitting down and brain power?

A job in a call-centre......lots of totty to check out too.:P

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Well said that man with tory lovers like those posting comments, the working man is going to be a thing of the past, I've heard some stupid things but agreeing with such a thing.:)


Surely if you are a working man it won't affect you, it’s so employers can get rid of useless non working men or women.

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What is being proposed will serve only to enhance the undercurrent of hostility that is amongst us. It will continue to marginalise and radicalise until the powder keg explodes.


Being able to fire incompetent workers, will not marginalise or radicalise anyone who's actually any good at their job.

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sorry in these hard economic times "just enough" is not enough! doing the bare minimum is what got this country into the mess we have now , a lot have a workshy something for nothing attitude....er not helped by unions:suspect:

people are paid to do a job yes, but there are levels of doing that job and if you want to keep it ...do it well;)


are you william hague?


there are many reasons why the country is in the mess it is now, one of them being workers being forced to work for almost nothing while executives get millions for doing nothing useful.

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Fair dos guvner!


What about a job sitting down and brain power?

A job in a call-centre......lots of totty to check out too.:P


I don't think call centre work would suit me due to me wearing a hearing aid, making "reasonable adjustments" would be quite expensive for the employer as for me to do call centre work, they'd have to buy a special "hearing aid compatible" headset, which you can only get from the RNID, and they ain't cheap.


I could do something like data entry or a typing job though, something that involves being sat in front of a PC for a few hours, which I do all day in my own time anyway, but one day I want money for doing it :D

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I was watching an old WWII film a few days ago and there were some military drivers. One was seen polishing the bonnet of his car and another driver came up and said " 'ere, wots your game? Turn it up or we'll do you". So slacking has always been pretty much the default setting for the so called British working man. Another good film with the same outlook is Peter Sellers in "I'm alright Jack".


Frankly, some people have to have the threat of the sack hanging over them before they move a muscle. That's why the public sector has become a haven for the idle and the incompetent. There's no threat there.


As I said earlier do you have 1st hand knowledge of working for the public sector, how do you work out they are all idle & incompetent? This one I'd LOVE to hear how do you come to this erudite assessment of people, or is it just by generalisation.

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