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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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However as you pointed out, only in ops, not in management. Or rather it gave a clean bill of health to the patsies who nominally held directorships, gold benchmark accredition etc to firms that everyone with a brain knows are run by gangsters for the purposes of money laundering, protection rackets or both allowing them to scoop up mutliple local authority contracts.


Who still runs security at the councils benefits enquiry centre at howden house? I rest my case.


You are very right. As it happens the outfit I work for a cleaner than clean, its a shame that the straight firms, and there are plenty of them do no get the praise they are due as they stand up to and take on the thugs that remain.


The fact that Sheffield Council still employ such firms is incredible ( I didnt know about Howden House). If is the firm that I think you are referring to there is a Panorama outake on utube showing the owner being arrested by armed paramilitary police in Lithuania whilst trying to import heroin into this country.



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Hello Jim,


Not been on this thread for a few days as got bored with it, nice to see yourself & zenia, still spouting your anti union rhetoric bless someone's got to defend this NON elected government we have. Mind got to say you two doing a stoic job, you see I am not condemning your actions, so why condemn people who believe in unions & such.


Life is short I've just come off phone with my brother in Kent, and he now struggles to speak following a massive stroke, and having by accident his vocal cords cut.


I'm ill as you know but it left me in tears, to hear him like that, there's more to life than name calling, just live & let live bud :):)


I have every sympathy for your situation.


But that doesn't change the fact this government was elected and just because you don't like it, that doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. get over it.

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I have every sympathy for your situation.


But that doesn't change the fact this government was elected and just because you don't like it, that doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. get over it.


The way I see it is that the Conservatives did not win an overall majority and therefore do not have a legitimate mandate to persue the agenda that they are persuing. The Libdems should do the right thing and end this asap and lets have another general election.

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There is no requirement for anyone to get an overall majority.


OK I'll put it another way, the Conservatives didn't win the election. Morally you need a mandate that comes with a decisive victory to persue a radical agenda, whatever it is.

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There is no requirement for anyone to get an overall majority.


And more people wanted a Tory government his time than wanted a Labour government the last two election that they won. So they may not have had the MP’s to form a government on their own but they got the votes from the population.

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OK I'll put it another way, the Conservatives didn't win the election. Morally you need a mandate that comes with a decisive victory to persue a radical agenda, whatever it is.


There is no requirement for a single party to win a majority. This is the case in the majority of countries across the world also. Coalition governments are not conmen in the UK because we have such a limited number of parties to vote for, but this does not make it wrong for a coalition government to be formed. This coalition has a majority and even that is not required. Even if the Lib Dems dropped out, the conservatives could still form a minority government. That is how our democracy works and has worked for hundreds of years.


Jay, can I ask, who did you vote for at the last general election? and if there was another election tomorrow, who would you vote for?

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There is no requirement for a single party to win a majority. This is the case in the majority of countries across the world also. Coalition governments are not conmen in the UK because we have such a limited number of parties to vote for, but this does not make it wrong for a coalition government to be formed. This coalition has a majority and even that is not required. Even if the Lib Dems dropped out, the conservatives could still form a minority government. That is how our democracy works and has worked for hundreds of years.


Jay, can I ask, who did you vote for at the last general election? and if there was another election tomorrow, who would you vote for?


So why did the Conservatives have to bribe the Liberals?

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And more people wanted a Tory government his time than wanted a Labour government the last two election that they won. So they may not have had the MP’s to form a government on their own but they got the votes from the population.


Won? The didn't win as pointed out. Besides the Conservatives got more seats on broken promises which is why we are seeing all these U-Turns.

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