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Won? The didn't win as pointed out. Besides the Conservatives got more seats on broken promises which is why we are seeing all these U-Turns.


Labour did win with previous elections and with fewer votes than the Tories got this time round, and the government we have now have the biggest mandate of any government previously.

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OK I'll put it another way, the Conservatives didn't win the election. Morally you need a mandate that comes with a decisive victory to persue a radical agenda, whatever it is.



There is nothing so pathetic as a socialist who having lost an election invokes morality as a reason that another party or parties shouldnt rule.


If Clegg had been seduced by Bown into joining him in a coalition you would be delighted. Lets face it its anything to keep the Tories out.


There is no morality in politics, it is the art of the possible.

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Originally Posted by Bypassblade View Post

Hello Jim,


Not been on this thread for a few days as got bored with it, nice to see yourself & zenia, still spouting your anti union rhetoric bless someone's got to defend this NON elected government we have. Mind got to say you two doing a stoic job, you see I am not condemning your actions, so why condemn people who believe in unions & such.


Life is short I've just come off phone with my brother in Kent, and he now struggles to speak following a massive stroke, and having by accident his vocal cords cut.


I'm ill as you know but it left me in tears, to hear him like that, there's more to life than name calling, just live & let live bud


Originally Posted by WeX

I have every sympathy for your situation.


But that doesn't change the fact this government was elected and just because you don't like it, that doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. get over it.


Thanks for the sentiments but I'm not asking for sympathy, my post was a compliment to both Jim & Xenia as they stand their corner, this government NEVER got an outright majority, hence why we have a coalition, & if you can gloss that up any other way then you're in the wrong profession. I'm at a loss to what I've got to get over, the Tories have never stood for the working classes or helped them, people vote for them because we live in a democracy, same as with Labour & all the others.


I mean the LD's joining with the Tories was the ONLY chance they had of getting near No 10, there would be more chance of me winning Miss World (I'm a bloke).


What I am really struggling to get though is that to such as you, everyone who is not a Maggie loving Tory & her current off shoots, are scum of the earth. Well I've got news for you, I'm not scum, & I'm sure the rest on here are not, so please try not to label us so, with your I'm better than you rhetoric.

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Originally Posted by Bypassblade View Post

Hello Jim,


Not been on this thread for a few days as got bored with it, nice to see yourself & zenia, still spouting your anti union rhetoric bless someone's got to defend this NON elected government we have. Mind got to say you two doing a stoic job, you see I am not condemning your actions, so why condemn people who believe in unions & such.


Life is short I've just come off phone with my brother in Kent, and he now struggles to speak following a massive stroke, and having by accident his vocal cords cut.


I'm ill as you know but it left me in tears, to hear him like that, there's more to life than name calling, just live & let live bud


Originally Posted by WeX

I have every sympathy for your situation.


But that doesn't change the fact this government was elected and just because you don't like it, that doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. get over it.


Thanks for the sentiments but I'm not asking for sympathy, my post was a compliment to both Jim & Xenia as they stand their corner, this government NEVER got an outright majority, hence why we have a coalition, & if you can gloss that up any other way then you're in the wrong profession. I'm at a loss to what I've got to get over, the Tories have never stood for the working classes or helped them, people vote for them because we live in a democracy, same as with Labour & all the others.


I mean the LD's joining with the Tories was the ONLY chance they had of getting near No 10, there would be more chance of me winning Miss World (I'm a bloke).


What I am really struggling to get though is that to such as you, everyone who is not a Maggie loving Tory & her current off shoots, are scum of the earth. Well I've got news for you, I'm not scum, & I'm sure the rest on here are not, so please try not to label us so, with your I'm better than you rhetoric.


I think 10 million people would disagree with you.

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Originally Posted by Bypassblade View Post


Thanks for the sentiments but I'm not asking for sympathy, my post was a compliment to both Jim & Xenia as they stand their corner, this government NEVER got an outright majority, hence why we have a coalition, & if you can gloss that up any other way then you're in the wrong profession. I'm at a loss to what I've got to get over, the Tories have never stood for the working classes or helped them, people vote for them because we live in a democracy, same as with Labour & all the others.


What I am really struggling to get though is that to such as you, everyone who is not a Maggie loving Tory & her current off shoots, are scum of the earth. Well I've got news for you, I'm not scum, & I'm sure the rest on here are not, so please try not to label us so, with your I'm better than you rhetoric.



I'm afraid that ol' Selective Socialist Amnesia has got the better of you again. Labour ruled through a coalition with the Liberals in 1977. How come that was valid but the Tories ruling in coalition with the Lib Dems isn't?




In March 1977 the Labour Government, left with no overall majority following a by-election defeat, faced a motion of no confidence. In order to remain in office, Prime Minister James Callaghan approached the Liberal Party under the leadership of David Steel. Callaghan had been prime minister for just one year, having succeeded Harold Wilson who had led Labour to a three-seat majority in October 1974.


An agreement was negotiated, under the terms of which the Labour Party accepted a limited number of Liberal Party policy proposals and in exchange, the Liberal Party agreed to vote with the government


In the lead up to the 1997 general election, a coalition government was discussed by Tony Blair and the Lib Dems, according to Paddy Ashdown's The Ashdown Diaries. Ashdown, a strong proponent of a Lib-Lab coalition, said that from Blair's point of view, in order to get the Conservatives out of power and because he wanted to move his party towards the New Labour ideal, a coalition would strengthen his majority in the likely event of a victory. To get the Liberal Democrats into his Cabinet, he allegedly agreed on their terms of electoral reform. Tony Blair was still considering attempting to form a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats on the day of the general election

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Is that better, I made it it bold, now I made it red and big.


I'll tell you what, I asked you in a CIVIL manner just what you meant, but no, you have to drop to the gutter. Well I'm am not going to bring myself down to your levels of lack of morality, or sensibility.


Try & have a decent conversation with you, be easier nailing custard to the wall, ignoramus that's the only word fro someone of your pomposity &, obvious limited intelligence. :gag:

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