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So why did the Conservatives have to bribe the Liberals?


I dont think the tory's didn't bribe anyone. The lib dems were talking to labour at first. this then collapsed and they turned to the tory's.


but your quesiton about why is easy to answer, its always preferable to have a majority in the house to get your items through parliament.

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It was also nothing like the shambles that we are witnessing now as two ideologically oppesed parties attempt to cling to power.


ideologically opposed? They are far from it. labour, libe dems and the tory's are all right wing parties these days. The only ideologically opposed party is the greens.

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John Smith was a good leader. By the time he died Labour had built up a solid 15-20% lead in the polls. He was moderate, and economically literate and capable. In fact the likes of Blair and Brown criticised him for being too fiscally conservative. I wish he was still with us now because we'd most likely have a much better country. Before him.......... maybe go back 20 years to Wilson who for all his flaws and mistakes was a genuine leadership figure.




Wilson was a Russian spy. He was under surveillance by the intelligence services all through his political life. Whilst he was PM this country reached its lowest point. IMF bail out, unions running rampant.


Wilson feared he was about to removed by the military. Field Marshal Carver was head of the armed services and discussed with David Sterling, founder of the SAS as to how this would be accomplished.


Wilson resigned before any such action could be taken, Callaghan took over and then, thank god, Thatcher took over and started to run he country properly.

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No they didn't.


They had an agreement with the Liberals which enabled them to stay in Government. That was nowher near a coalition.


It was also nothing like the shambles that we are witnessing now as two ideologically oppesed parties attempt to cling to power.




Definition of Coalition:


A coalition is a pact or treaty among individuals or groups, during which they cooperate in joint action, each in their own self-interest, joining forces together for a common cause. This alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience.


The agreement between Labour and the Liberals was called the LibLab Pact. It's not often you're wrong but you're wrong again. I await your definition of coalition. I won't hold my breath because I am still waiting for that extensive list of Sheffield Schools in the top 1000 you assured me exists somewhere.

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back on topic please


Hi Mort,


Thank you for the steer,it does ger a bit difficult when you are trying to have a sensible ( if lively) discussion and are interrupted by schneid insulting deragatory one liners by the likes of Stan tumudo and Wednesday 1. Who make no positive contribution but seek to undermine others. (see above).


Leave it with you and back on topic we go.

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Originally Posted by Jim Graham View Post

. Labour ruled through a coalition with the Liberals in 1977.



No they didn't.


They had an agreement with the Liberals which enabled them to stay in Government. That was nowher near a coalition.


It was also nothing like the shambles that we are witnessing now as two ideologically oppesed parties attempt to cling to power.


Cheers Sibon I was going to reply to this last night but events took over, I also was going to put Jim right over the 77 episode, totally different to what we have now.


Cheers mucker :):)

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Originally Posted by Jim Graham View Post

. Labour ruled through a coalition with the Liberals in 1977.



No they didn't.


They had an agreement with the Liberals which enabled them to stay in Government. That was nowher near a coalition.


It was also nothing like the shambles that we are witnessing now as two ideologically oppesed parties attempt to cling to power.


Cheers Sibon I was going to reply to this last night but events took over, I also was going to put Jim right over the 77 episode, totally different to what we have now.


Cheers mucker :):)


Genuine question..why did the Liberals reject a coalition with Labour in 2010? Was it because they were even further apart than the Tory's and Liberals..?

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Genuine question..why did the Liberals reject a coalition with Labour in 2010? Was it because they were even further apart than the Tory's and Liberals..?


A Coalition with Labour would also have needed Greens, SNP & Plaid Cymru added to the coalition to secure a parliamentary majority. Even with the very best of intentions it wouldn't have been workable.

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