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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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Lets face it Mecky you dont think much at all. Anyone who thinks that people buy mobile phones for sexual reasons is beyond thought.


I would never be unreasonable enough to call someone an idiot as I have more respect, humility and dignity than that. You got off lightly.:)

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I can respect how you feel about not voting tory. I was once an active member of a trade union and would have described myself as a socialist. The thought of voting conservative never entered my head. Due to experience in witnessing first hand the corruption of the unions I went through a transition, the route was from automatically voting LABOUR through to " no one owns my vote but me" a few years ago I realised that the actual policies of the tories (not the ones perceived by many on here) were actually close to what I really believed.


Dont close your mnd to any possibility, your opinion is just that, YOURS, dont let any tribal loyalty blind you to what is best for you and your family. If you conclude that socialism is the right way, then I disagree, but as long as you have come to that conclusion through your own reasoning and not through indoctrination by unions or others then you are worthy of respect.


Of course it's my opinion. What are these secret Tory policies that posters on SheffieldForum don't know about?

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I don't think I could vote for any of the main parties right now to be honest.


But one thing I do know is I will never, ever vote Conservative. It's not self-imposed. It's automatic and my morals, principles and concern for other human beings would never allow it. Problem for me is that Labour is no longer a place where I feel comfortable either. I don't think I've even moved to the left any more than I ever have been but our whole political system seems to have shifted to the right.


More or less the same here, but I'd rather be social than antisocial any day.

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This is a wonderful idea allowing all closet psychopaths to bully people under their charge, threaten them whenever they feel like it, and make things personal as opposed to their work output. Well all said and done if the face does not fit, then they can go, and males will have the pick of pretty faces and sod the work output. One might theorise all day long, but males can then threaten women about their job security for possible sexual advantage, and we all know this is a common male trait.


The joy of frightening people, making the whole workforce scared, that they will end up on benefits, the power surge whenever one wants. Its what all bullies need, a charter to humiliate, and treat people they do not like the look of in the way in the way they like, and its all legal too. Its a shame one cannot beat the workforce too, and kick them occasionally, instead of having to resort to psychological bullying. Amongst certain manager, they could create a club, as to how many people they bullied enough to commit suicide, with an award of course at Christmas, given on the basis of doing humanity a favour.


The psychopaths charter, the best idea for a long time.

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This is a wonderful idea allowing all closet psychopaths to bully people under their charge, threaten them whenever they feel like it, and make things personal as opposed to their work output.


And not just people who fail to hit unrealistic targets either, I feel it will be used to get rid of any worker for whatever reason. There is a lot of this duality around at the moment. What was it yesterday? Get rid of council tax on granny flats - what a con. For a start council tax is exempt on granny annexes for people over 65 years old and I have never heard of anyone younger than 65 who lives in such a flat who is able to look after themselves. However, we all know the type of people who will benefit most from getting rid of granny tax.

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This is a wonderful idea allowing all closet psychopaths to bully people under their charge, threaten them whenever they feel like it, and make things personal as opposed to their work output. Well all said and done if the face does not fit, then they can go, and males will have the pick of pretty faces and sod the work output. One might theorise all day long, but males can then threaten women about their job security for possible sexual advantage, and we all know this is a common male trait.


The joy of frightening people, making the whole workforce scared, that they will end up on benefits, the power surge whenever one wants. Its what all bullies need, a charter to humiliate, and treat people they do not like the look of in the way in the way they like, and its all legal too. Its a shame one cannot beat the workforce too, and kick them occasionally, instead of having to resort to psychological bullying. Amongst certain manager, they could create a club, as to how many people they bullied enough to commit suicide, with an award of course at Christmas, given on the basis of doing humanity a favour.


The psychopaths charter, the best idea for a long time.



my goodness you have been listening to some fairytales:loopy::loopy:

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This is a wonderful idea allowing all closet psychopaths to bully people under their charge, threaten them whenever they feel like it, and make things personal as opposed to their work output. Well all said and done if the face does not fit, then they can go, and males will have the pick of pretty faces and sod the work output. One might theorise all day long, but males can then threaten women about their job security for possible sexual advantage, and we all know this is a common male trait.


The joy of frightening people, making the whole workforce scared, that they will end up on benefits, the power surge whenever one wants. Its what all bullies need, a charter to humiliate, and treat people they do not like the look of in the way in the way they like, and its all legal too. Its a shame one cannot beat the workforce too, and kick them occasionally, instead of having to resort to psychological bullying. Amongst certain manager, they could create a club, as to how many people they bullied enough to commit suicide, with an award of course at Christmas, given on the basis of doing humanity a favour.


The psychopaths charter, the best idea for a long time.



Meanwhile down here on Earth we hope to do do things differently. We hope the new rules will allow us to reward the people who deliver and get rid of the slackers, the bullies and the trouble makers without the threat of time wasting and expensive proceedings. Anyone who doesn't want that must be in the category of unproductive.

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