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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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Meanwhile down here on Earth we hope to do do things differently. We hope the new rules will allow us to reward the people who deliver and get rid of the slackers, the bullies and the trouble makers without the threat of time wasting and expensive proceedings. Anyone who doesn't want that must be in the category of unproductive.



Has Rampton let the inmates out for the Bank Holiday?:cool:

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Meanwhile down here on Earth we hope to do do things differently. We hope the new rules will allow us to reward the people who deliver and get rid of the slackers, the bullies and the trouble makers without the threat of time wasting and expensive proceedings. Anyone who doesn't want that must be in the category of unproductive.


The powers that be in the world are getting away with a lot of late because the "masses" are too disjointed and seperated to unify and to anything meaningful about it, but I do think that this bullies charter, which is effectively what this "no fault dismissal" proposal is, is something else, and people WILL get browned off with it. In an age of 24 hour multi-media, much of it left leaning, and people able to blow off steam to all and sundry on Facebook etc, how long do you think it will really last anyway?? Policies like this can be a recruiting agent for militant unionism like there was in the seventies and have the potential to cause social upheaval like the Poll tax did. If the capital class are smart they'll ditch this idea. You only have to look around the world right now at places like Greece and Egypt to see what can happen when elites push the masses too far.

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You are all concentrating on the aspect of the proposal to be able to get rid of slackers. So I'm guessing most of you feel threatened. I wonder why? The other aspect of the proposal allows employers to take people on knowing that if it doesn't work out they can let them go again easily and cheaply. Now what could be wrong with taking people on who turn out to be better than people they already have? Surely, that benefits the business. I suggest those against the proposals are those with most to fear. In the long run the ability to hire and fire will develop a workforce with better skills and a better attitude to work. But you wouldn't want that would you?


As far as elites pushing masses goes, it'll take a bulldozer to move the British masses off the sofa. The Brits do a nice line in complaining but anything approaching action is a bit too much like exercise.

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You are all concentrating on the aspect of the proposal to be able to get rid of slackers. So I'm guessing most of you feel threatened. I wonder why? The other aspect of the proposal allows employers to take people on knowing that if it doesn't work out they can let them go again easily and cheaply. Now what could be wrong with taking people on who turn out to be better than people they already have? Surely, that benefits the business. I suggest those against the proposals are those with most to fear. In the long run the ability to hire and fire will develop a workforce with better skills and a better attitude to work. But you wouldn't want that would you?


As far as elites pushing masses goes, it'll take a bulldozer to move the British masses off the sofa. The Brits do a nice line in complaining but anything approaching action is a bit too much like exercise.


We have no fault dismissals during the first two-years of someone’s employment now. If you wish to dismiss an employee after that, there is nothing currently really stopping an employer doing so, but it will usually involve some form of pay-off – as is suggested by Beecroft

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The powers that be in the world are getting away with a lot of late because the "masses" are too disjointed and seperated to unify and to anything meaningful about it, but I do think that this bullies charter, which is effectively what this "no fault dismissal" proposal is, is something else, and people WILL get browned off with it. In an age of 24 hour multi-media, much of it left leaning, and people able to blow off steam to all and sundry on Facebook etc, how long do you think it will really last anyway?? Policies like this can be a recruiting agent for militant unionism like there was in the seventies and have the potential to cause social upheaval like the Poll tax did. If the capital class are smart they'll ditch this idea. You only have to look around the world right now at places like Greece and Egypt to see what can happen when elites push the masses too far.


It should make the workers support each other, stop the so-called unions from just collecting subscriptions and doing nothing. i work for a French company with phsychopathic BRITISH management, a loony HR Dept who's only task is to cause as much disruption as possible. Many of the workforce are on disciplinaries for trivial matters and all it does is annoy the other workers. When we DO go full circle, and workers realise their power its God Help such as Mr Beecroft, Smarmy Dave and the rest of the exploiters. I work with hard working proud people, doing menial tasks and getting a raw deal and crap treatment from phsycho managers. The managers are too thick to see what is happening, they are gradually being replaced by Eastern Europeans, eager to take management positions at lower paid rates. What go's around comes around.....they will get theirs.......

If only the workers could stick together instead of tale telling and backstabbing.........the worst of the managers would be sacked, not the hardworking people they are abusing. I an in my 60's and have had a Polish manager tell me to 'stop talking'.....Ha Ha !! What a bloody joke....or is it :huh:

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I dont like to say it but I foresee a lot of violence if this fire-at-will thing were to come in; dont expect everyone that gets sacked for no good reason to just go quietly when there's not a lot of work around...They'll be many broken managerial noses!

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We have no fault dismissals during the first two-years of someone’s employment now. If you wish to dismiss an employee after that, there is nothing currently really stopping an employer doing so, but it will usually involve some form of pay-off – as is suggested by Beecroft


I think these proposals are really aimed at the unionised public sector where unions tie up HR staff for months on every single disciplinary issue. The unions seem to take the view that nobody how ever stupid, lazy or incompetent should ever be robbed of their livelihood. They also do it to make sure the other union members keep paying their subs in the belief that they'll be there for them too.

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I think these proposals are really aimed at the unionised public sector where unions tie up HR staff for months on every single disciplinary issue. The unions seem to take the view that nobody how ever stupid, lazy or incompetent should ever be robbed of their livelihood. They also do it to make sure the other union members keep paying their subs in the belief that they'll be there for them too.


Alright then, let's say somebody is stupid, lazy or incompetent etc and is robbed of their livelihood, what then?

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