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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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Should you be allowed out on your own ?? I do hope you dont exercise your right to vote. If it were not for all the 'numbskulls' who strove to improve the lot of the worker you probably would not have been born. [Would that be a bad thing ??] Give your self inflated intellect a treat and read a few of the works of Charles Dickens. Most of it will probably be beyond your understanding but if you digest just a little you will be better informed.

You are just typical of the 'I work harder than anyone else and arent I clever ??' group of people who take pleasure in ridiculing the less capable members of society. I wouldn't give your sort the time of day 'till you grow up. Study basic economics, politics plus a bit of social history.............and then comment.

blah blah usual socialist clap trap:o

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Beecroft himself acknowledged that workers could be gotten rid of if their face doesn't fit.

I know it's cruel to mock the afflicted but what's more entertaining are the attention seeking posts of a ten bob tory troll like you who doesn't know his a*** from his elbow.

i am offended at least a £1 troll:hihi:

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I couldn't have put it better myself, I applaud you !!!:hihi::hihi::hihi:

keep going applaud all you like let us know when you want to join the real world, the harsh realities of running a business means we need to have the option of trimming staff if they dont make the grade.

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You will get used to Cyclone, he talks in riddles. I ignored his question because I couldn't be bothered to decypher it..........:rolleyes:


You couldn't decipher


You've got a very short memory haven't you.




Maybe if I quote you, and then say it you'll understand...


I have never seen a greedier load of parasites in my life

You've got a very short memory haven't you.


Making any sense yet, or is it still too cryptic?

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why should it be dead and buried? its quite entertaining over these last 27 or so pages listening to the numbskulls that think workers rights are the be all and end all and stuff the employer, dont forget who actually pays the wages of the vast majority?


How daft can you get?! its "the vast majority" that physicaly do the graft that generates the money. Employers and employees need each other equally.


nobody is advocating getting rid of someone whos face doesnt really fit as long as they do their job !......its just getting rid of the workshy who just coast along doing the bare mimimum or less and the ones incapable of understanding the required job! anyway if someone doesnt fit the mould who needs them?


Why is it called "no fault dismissal" then? :huh::suspect:

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Our companys all pass the buck, blaming some poor bod down at the bottom of the pile for poor performance. Start at the top, in the boardroom. Thats usually where the muppets are to be found.


Surely the vast majority of the management have come up through the ranks. They were at the bottom of the pile once. If they are bad managers that can only be the fault of the companies themselves can't it? Organisational culture plays a big part in how managers behave and are allowed to behave. If you work for a company or organisation that values arrogance and stupidity in it's management (like SCC) and you are not that type then you should change job to an organisation more in tune with your values. Personally, I've always found US companies to be more my style so I have worked for a few. I have always found public bodies to be a complete nightmare to work for but I know people who thrive in them. it's horses for courses.

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Surely the vast majority of the management have come up through the ranks. They were at the bottom of the pile once. If they are bad managers that can only be the fault of the companies themselves can't it? Organisational culture plays a big part in how managers behave and are allowed to behave. If you work for a company or organisation that values arrogance and stupidity in it's management (like SCC) and you are not that type then you should change job to an organisation more in tune with your values. Personally, I've always found US companies to be more my style so I have worked for a few. I have always found public bodies to be a complete nightmare to work for but I know people who thrive in them. it's horses for courses.


Ever heard of the saying, "Promoted to their own level if incompetence?" In every organisation I've worked in and there has been quite a few, the only people that seem to get promoted within the business are those who are worst at their jobs and just seem to mess around or they can't be bothered. Whilever people are good at their jobs and make other people look good, they are kept in their position, because that's what they're good at.

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keep going applaud all you like let us know when you want to join the real world, the harsh realities of running a business means we need to have the option of trimming staff if they dont make the grade.


I ran my own business for 14 years.....it was in the REAL WORLD as well..... i gave up due to health problems. I also treat my staff fairly.

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Surely the vast majority of the management have come up through the ranks. They were at the bottom of the pile once. If they are bad managers that can only be the fault of the companies themselves can't it? Organisational culture plays a big part in how managers behave and are allowed to behave. If you work for a company or organisation that values arrogance and stupidity in it's management (like SCC) and you are not that type then you should change job to an organisation more in tune with your values. Personally, I've always found US companies to be more my style so I have worked for a few. I have always found public bodies to be a complete nightmare to work for but I know people who thrive in them. it's horses for courses.



I've seen people get promoted 'out of the way' for being useless, I'm sure we all know some of these.

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