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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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Aye, perhaps the high number of CVs on his desk denotes a high turnover of staff.

ah you obviously didnt read a few posts ago that i have a very very low staff turnover, especially for one of the industries i am in, most have been with me for 5 years or more. The cv,s keep coming which shows there are plenty to replace any worker that doesnt make the grade......but as i said all my workers do make the grade.:o:o

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ah you obviously didnt read a few posts ago that i have a very very low staff turnover, especially for one of the industries i am in, most have been with me for 5 years or more. The cv,s keep coming which shows there are plenty to replace any worker that doesnt make the grade......but as i said all my workers do make the grade.:o:o


I just try to pay as little attention as possible because you're probably making it up anyway

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ah you obviously didnt read a few posts ago that i have a very very low staff turnover, especially for one of the industries i am in, most have been with me for 5 years or more. The cv,s keep coming which shows there are plenty to replace any worker that doesnt make the grade......but as i said all my workers do make the grade.:o:o


Ive worked in industy all my life and now work in a service industry for a security firm. I have had all sorts of gaffers over the years, this one is the best I have ever worked for. He doesnt talk about " making the grade" or talk in the disparaging tone that you do about people who want a job.


Ive never agreed with many of the lefties who infest this thread but i have to say mate, you do come across as being a bit of plonker.


Vote for Dave.

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ah you obviously didnt read a few posts ago that i have a very very low staff turnover, especially for one of the industries i am in, most have been with me for 5 years or more. The cv,s keep coming which shows there are plenty to replace any worker that doesnt make the grade......but as i said all my workers do make the grade.:o:o


Which grade is that mate?

I see you refer to your people as 'workers'

Dont you realise you are worker also?

Because you run a small firm does not make you a capitalist.

You are still working for the man.

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You must be loosing it man, but I'll explain.






Making reference to the labour government of not that long ago, who were an equally greedy bunch of parasites. You seem to have forgotten that though conveniently.


The last Labour govt WERE a load of plonkers, they didnt lose the election, they gave it away. Labour voters stayed away in droves, Blair was a con man..........BUT if Labour gets its house in order and tries to create a fairer society they will romp home.New Labour were only diluted Torys. I dont conveniently forget anything. They had YEARS to repeal the Tory employment laws and didn't. They set up the assessment centers with ATOS and look what a disaster that was. All the Torys have done is make things worse by tightening the screw even more, but who expects anything else from that lot. Cameron knows he wont win another election, thats why he is doling out money to the already rich and persecuting the poor.

Instead of concentrating on increasing your post count, just take a few minutes and read the threads untill you understand them. If you continue to post rubbish I will just put you on 'IGNORE', but then I would miss out on a lot of entertainment......

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The last Labour govt WERE a load of plonkers, they didnt lose the election, they gave it away. Labour voters stayed away in droves, Blair was a con man..........BUT if Labour gets its house in order and tries to create a fairer society they will romp home.New Labour were only diluted Torys. I dont conveniently forget anything. They had YEARS to repeal the Tory employment laws and didn't. They set up the assessment centers with ATOS and look what a disaster that was. All the Torys have done is make things worse by tightening the screw even more, but who expects anything else from that lot. Cameron knows he wont win another election, thats why he is doling out money to the already rich and persecuting the poor.

Instead of concentrating on increasing your post count, just take a few minutes and read the threads untill you understand them. If you continue to post rubbish I will just put you on 'IGNORE', but then I would miss out on a lot of entertainment......




You seem to be wishing to return to that golden age of Wilson and Callaghan. The last time the true left of British politics were in power. The Unions ruined the country, drove good companies out of business. Powerless to stop them Wilson and Healey bankrupted the country and had to call in the IMF.


Wilson, possibly a Russian agent, narrowly avoided a military coup, resigned and was replaced by Callaghan, he was kept in by the Liberals, until the Unions betrayed him (as they betray everyone) and launched the "winter of discontent". Thank god for Thatcher and the return of sanity.

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