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New employment rules for dismissing underproductive staff. about time!!

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You seem to be wishing to return to that golden age of Wilson and Callaghan. The last time the true left of British politics were in power. The Unions ruined the country, drove good companies out of business. Powerless to stop them Wilson and Healey bankrupted the country and had to call in the IMF.


Wilson, possibly a Russian agent, narrowly avoided a military coup, resigned and was replaced by Callaghan, he was kept in by the Liberals, until the Unions betrayed him (as they betray everyone) and launched the "winter of discontent". Thank god for Thatcher and the return of sanity.


Dont assume I wish anything. The period described above was certainly turbulent and a lot of mistakes were made. All I wish for is an end to criminals running the country for personal gain and for a genuine honourable government to take charge. Labour is far from perfect but the Torys ??? :loopy:


You cant have Thatcher and sanity in the same sentence............the old bat was mad as a box of frogs when her party sacked her. Funny how the Liberals never change............they sell their souls every election time. By the time Cameron, Clegg and that cretin, Beecroft have finished with us we will be screaming for the unions to return........

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Dont assume I wish anything. The period described above was certainly turbulent and a lot of mistakes were made. All I wish for is an end to criminals running the country for personal gain and for a genuine honourable government to take charge. Labour is far from perfect but the Torys ??? :loopy:


You cant have Thatcher and sanity in the same sentence............the old bat was mad as a box of frogs when her party sacked her. Funny how the Liberals never change............they sell their souls every election time. By the time Cameron, Clegg and that cretin, Beecroft have finished with us we will be screaming for the unions to return........


She was a divisive figure but the most effective peace time Prime Minister we had.


Rearding criminals running the country, I do agree, Blair and Brown are war criminals and the relationship between tham and Murdoch was certainly bent.


On balance though I will stand a bit of fiddling but will never forget the treachery to the nation of Scanlon Jones Scargill etc.

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She was a divisive figure but the most effective peace time Prime Minister we had.


Rearding criminals running the country, I do agree, Blair and Brown are war criminals and the relationship between tham and Murdoch was certainly bent.


On balance though I will stand a bit of fiddling but will never forget the treachery to the nation of Scanlon Jones Scargill etc.


I've heard quite a few people say Blair and brown are war criminals, can you tell me why?

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some good news for employers today regarding the new initiative regarding easier ways to get rid unproductive staff on a no fault basis, the IOD welcomes this and so will many small busineses owners and this in fact may entice us to employ more if we can get rid of troublemakers and shirkers more easily.


Why employ people like that in the first place ? :confused:

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Why employ people like that in the first place ? :confused:


You silly Billy !


That's like asking why women marry abusive husbands ! Everybody tries hard at interviews (unless you really don't want the job) it happens over weeks and months and years. You've never worked with someone who swings the lead, or is disruptive, rude to colleagues and customers ?


Wish I worked where you work !

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She was a divisive figure but the most effective peace time Prime Minister we had.


Rearding criminals running the country, I do agree, Blair and Brown are war criminals and the relationship between tham and Murdoch was certainly bent.


On balance though I will stand a bit of fiddling but will never forget the treachery to the nation of Scanlon Jones Scargill etc.


Blair and Bush and the weapons of mass destruction....................

What a farce. Iraq barely had any effective conventional weapons never mind any illegal ones. Blair used the media to expound the idea that Iraq was a serious threat to us all, enter Mr Murdoch ??? Blair, in my mind, has a lot to answer to, but i doubt he ever will. They didn't call him 'Teflon Tony' for nothing....:hihi:


We must agree to differ on the subject of Mrs T. Old Dennis was setting up privatisation of refuse collection etc.......his companies were first in line when it happened and her son Mark was involved in everything from arms dealing to plotting military coups in Africa. That guy IS bad news.

Old Maggie baled out into her 'Premier Collection' house, a freebie from Barratts. Will we ever get honest politicians who have the country's interests at heart ?? I doubt it very much.

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It is entirely true. Not that I am a fan of Blair etc or the decision to go to war, but it was not a war crime.


True. It was a travesty. A crime not a war crime. They're "war criminals" because they committed crimes against international law and started wars.

Perhaps war-mongering criminals is a better term. War criminal is more emotive though. And as leaders of countries which did in fact commit war crimes while they were in power during wars they are responsible for, they do ultimately bear responsibility.

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